I have a bunch of hymns (new tunes and settings) that need words which I am willing to submit to the PBEH. I will try to list meters and samples here. Suggestions welcome. Texts needed. Scores coming so you can see them.
OK... I put up some Sib Scores that you can see with the plugin. These are mostly hymns with text, but the text might need polishing. Let me know if you have any suggestions on those.
Then I will post hymns without text. below those.
I have about 20 or 30 more to go.
Once you all review these, and they are polished, I can then submit them to PBEH for review. Thanks tons.
BTW... Peer Review should be 'under the microscope'. Tell me everything. You will not hurt my feelings. I want your honest opinions! This is about making these better and that happens through collaboration.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hymns (with Original Text and Music)
"Partake this Bread from Heaven" is very beautiful, Francis.
On the line in which you offer the option of "partake this bread" or "partake His Flesh", may I suggest "eat of His Flesh". It would be consistent with expressing the Mystery of the Eucharistic Sacrifice. I do not think it is necessary to say 'partake' again at that point. The music you wrote supports the text very well.
I have two small verses meant to be added on to "When Jesus Died to Save Us" Tucker's first verse is copyright. But the second verse is PD. Let me have a look this evening and perhaps I could provide you with a useful text you could consider. If you would e-mail the tune to me that would be helpful. vincentuher3@gmail.com
Vincent, if you want to modify a comment after it's done, you can use the "edit" link to reopen it. The link is at the upper right margin of your comment.
"Eat His Flesh and Blood" does fit beautifully, and to my mind brings a Catholic clarity to the text. This is the sort of text and tune that should prove very useful to musicians and parishes in the Anglo-sphere. Beautiful.
In the Ordinary Form in certain situations this would be very useful. Perhaps a second verse on the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the Eucharist... offering a thought that came to mind. May St. Cecelia pray for your inspiration for the second verse. I look forward to reading that.
Thank you for the Scorch version of your splendid 77.77. Iambic tune.
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