Responsorial Psalms to Gregorian Chant Melodies (Year C)
  • Hello all,

    Some of you may be familiar with my chant-based Responsorial Psalm settings for Year B.

    People have given me only good feedback — for which I am grateful — and some have asked if I will continue on with Year C and Year A. I am happy to answer this in the affirmative. However, I will be distributing them a bit differently this year. I've set up an e-mail list and will be sending each psalm setting as a PDF attachment, about a month before its scheduled place in the liturgy.

    Click here to go to the subscription form. Subscriptions will close on November 22, 2009. Those who do not subscribe by the deadline will not get any additional announcements or corrections, but they will still be able to obtain them from Chabanel (albeit at some time after the e-mail list receives them).

    Advent Year C is already up, so if you like what you see now, please consider subscribing and telling others about this resource.

    As always, e-mail addresses will not be shared with anyone. Thanks :¬)