If it's the one in BB/MI, we'd be better off whistling "Dixie." Ron Jeffer's poetic translation could be a starter for a better metrical setting: "The bread of angels becomes the bread of men, the heavenly bread gives an end to (earthly) forms.
O marvellous and wondrous sacrament: a poor man, a slave, and the humble one all injest the Lord."
Montani's 1920 St. G's: "Thus Angel's Bread is made; True Bread for man today; That Living Bread from heav'n With figures does away: Wondrous this gift indeed: Master and Lord becomes Food for servants and all in need.
You, therefore, we implore, O God-head, One in Three So may You visit us As we here bend our knee. Lead us along the way So we at last may see Your great glory in endless day." (Great liberties taken, IMO, as with OCP's)
St. Basil 1958- "O Bread of angels made Bread of men below! All gifts of ancient times this Bread will now bestow.l O wonder unsurpassed! Poor, humble people all Eat the flesh of the Lord, their God.l
O God-head, Three-in-One, we one together pray That as we come to You, You too will come and stay, And by Your holy ways lead us unto the day Where You dwell in eternal light." (A tad better, but fortified with some extra fiber.)
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