Isaac Jogues Chant Scores continue to improve
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    We are slowly making improvements to this site

    If you visit, you will see that many, many translations have been added to the scores in the weeks coming up.

    I hope you will continue to add your recordings! That helps a lot! And continue to report errors you find!

    Soon we will move from BETA to an official release!
  • Thank you Jeff...I'm on your site(s) almost daily, they've helped me so much!
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Thank you so much, orourkebr!

    Many improvements are on the way, too!

    Take a sneak preview of Extraordinary Form Page, starting with October 4th, and notice the Gradual and Alleluia scores.

    This page is still in development, but we are on our way!
  • Beautiful...y'all are busy down south eh? :)
  • Chrism
    Posts: 878
    Jeff, thanks for all your great work.

    So...why the Abregés on St. René Goupil? I usually give all three versions (Liber, Rice, Abregés) to the choir and figure out later based on ability & number of singers, and chat with the celebrant, which version to sing on a particular Sunday. A typical compromise would be melismatic Alleluia with abregé versicle.

    Also, two things I was recently looking for on St. Jogues...Index by name of chant (like in the back of the Liber), and links to English chant (one priest wants an "English chant Mass" like yesterday).

    Thanks again!
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Hi, Chrism,

    Some day we hope to have everything: psalms tones, Abreges, Rice, full Gradual, Chantes Abreges, etc. Then, too, I learned by the "Franciscan" method, which I would love to show people, too ---- but we have to start somewhere, right?

    For an INDEX of chants, hit the "display all" button and then use teh search function (CNTRL + F, or APPLE + F)

  • Gilbert
    Posts: 106
    I am so very excited about the resource, as I am mostly involved with music at an Extraordinary Form Mass. Jeff, I can't wait!
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    If you visit this site: (starting with October 4th) I think you will be encouraged with the progress we are making, Gilbert!
  • BGP
    Posts: 222
    "Franciscan" method? Id be interested in seeing what that is.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Hi, BGP.

    Basically, in the Extraordinary Form, you take the Alleluia verse from that day, and set the Gradual and Alleluia VERSE to a psalm tone that fits with the Alleluia.
  • BGP
    Posts: 222
    Ah I see, sounds pretty straightforward
    thanks for the description
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    that method is neat because it preserves the "sense" of the Alleluia --- you will notice at we use the Chants Abrégés, which are great, but they don't really preserve the "sense" of the Alleluia for each Sunday.
  • Gilbert
    Posts: 106

    At St. Mary's in Brenham, TX, we had our first Sunday High Mass yesterday since we started having the Extraordinary Form on Sundays last December. We used your resource for the Propers. Thank you so much for this resource! We also sang Byrd's Mass for Three Voices for the ordinaries (except the Credo, used Credo III), and some choral works for an entrance hymn and recessional.

    Thank you so much for this Jeff! I had a few questions about the future of this website. You do plan on adding the Alleluias/Tracts and Graduals from the Graduale Romanum correct? Is there any plan to add psalm verses for the Communio, or the Introits? How about the Offertory verses from the Offertoriale?

    Here's a question I had that anyone might be able to answer. The 1958 instruction on music in the liturgy says you can add psalm verses to the introit, communion, or offertory, in order to stretch them out, and that you repeat the antiphon after each verse or after every other verse.

    One verse is already printed for the introit in the Graduale. Would it be ok to sing:

    Antiphon, Psalm Verse, Antiphon, Gloria Patria, Antiphon?

    rather than the standard,

    Antiphon, Psalm Verse, Gloria Patria, Antiphon?

    Just wondering what people think of this.
  • Chrism
    Posts: 878
    Antiphon, Psalm Verse, Antiphon, Gloria Patria, Antiphon

    Gilbert, congratulations on the first High! In answer to your question, yes that is often done, and it often seems to fit well when there is incense. The danger is that the priest will be kept waiting too long as the choir finishes the Kyrie.

    Once in a long while it might even be appropriate to add a second verse taken from the Psalmorum (available for download on This would come between the verse and the Gloria Patri.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Hi, Gilbert. Thanks for the kind words!

    You do plan on adding the Alleluias/Tracts and Graduals from the Graduale Romanum correct? Is there any plan to add psalm verses for the Communio, or the Introits? How about the Offertory verses from the Offertoriale?

    Eventually we'd like to add everything, but right now we are trying to do the most "practical" things first. Also, the Graduals and Alleluias can be found on ISAAC JOGUES (by using the "view all" button and then using the "search" function.

    Would it be ok to sing: Antiphon, Psalm Verse, Antiphon, Gloria Patria, Antiphon?

    If I were singing the 1962 Mass, I'm not sure I would do that. I feel that (traditionally) the normal A V GP A has become the norm.

    But I would be interested to hear what others say.