Cheat Sheet comparing propers for Old and New Rites?
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 322
    Does anyone have a sheet that easily co-relates the propers of the Old Mass with the propers of the New Mass? I love Dom Johner's book Chants of the Vatican Gradual, but find it frustrating that I have to:

    1) Look up propers in the Graduale for my certain Sunday (since I sing for the New Mass)
    2) Look up the names of those same Sunday propers in the Liber Usualis index in order to determine the co-relating Old Rite Sunday, and THEN
    3) Find the chants according to that Sunday in Johner's book.

    And this is compounded, since I often have to do this for more than one chant per Sunday! There must be an easier way!!!
  • If you've downloaded the 1961 Graduale in PDF, you can do all the searching electronically, which should speed it up considerably for you. You can:

    1) Look up the prescribed chants for the OF here, then
    2) Open up the 1961 Graduale PDF, and use the "find" function (control+F on a PC, command+F on a Mac) to search for the chant. It will take you straight to the correct Sunday, which you can then look up in your Johner.

    It's still a few steps, but at least you won't be paging through the tomes.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    You may find it useful to consult these two pages:

    Ordinary Form Propers

    Extraordinary Form Propers

    But both are undergoing MASSIVE updates, each day, as time moves along.

    We are grateful to have the help of Ben George (a graphics expert) and Matthew J. Curtis (a singing expert who sings for Chanticleer) --- over the next few weeks, they will be helping us get these sites up to par.

    THESE SITES WILL BE UNDERGOING MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS over the next few weeks --- they are still in BETA, and Rene Goupil has not even been released yet for obvious reasons
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 322