Announcing: Sacred Music Group Coaching!
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    When I attended the two previous CMAA Colloquia, I noticed that many of us are struggling with similar issues in our leadership of parish scholas. At the same time, we often feel distanced from our colleagues who are working in other parishes. As an organizational coach, I've seen that there's a wonderfully powerful tool which helps people to move into productive action: Group Coaching.

    As a result, I've put together a service that I'm calling Sacred Music Group Coaching. It's a way for us to each build our leadership skills and make the kind of impact on our parishes that we are dreaming of.

    Here's the details:

    I am hoping that you will join me in this new venture, and that it will be a powerful experience for you.
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 310
    This is an intriguing idea. I look forward to seeing its progress.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Thanks, Angela. It took me some time to try to design the right kind of interaction so we can achieve something truly extraordinary. But it's hard to describe how group coaching works, it's much easier to demonstrate it. Which is why I set it up so that the first session is free, so that people can experience it before having to make a commitment.

    I'm hoping that I can encourage six courageous individuals!

  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I'm so grateful for your post on, Jeffrey! Thank you!

    To clarify a question that's come in: This entire program is done over the telephone, from the comfort of your home. My reason for doing that is that we're all so distributed around the country and around the world, and rarely have the opportunity to meet together to work on how to make each of our programs more successful. There's fantastic discussions here on the forum, but of course 90% of the readership doesn't yet have the confidence to jump into the conversations. Heck, I struggle with that sometimes and I've been directing a schola for 5 years. But I feel like such a newbie.

    Please continue to let me know what questions you have about this program, as it will be starting in just a few short weeks! Email
  • I was intrigued by your rationale here, trying to overcome the fears that come with larger groups. Carl, can you explain more why you think small groups are better for learning? You talk about this on your blog but I would love to see it explained here. It seems rather innovative.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Great question. There's a couple of reasons why small groups are important for this kind of experience:

    1. Each and every person gets to have some time to talk about their specific issue, every week. The outcome of group coaching is for EACH person to make progress, and to do that, they need to tap the wisdom of the group.

    2. As a result, each person gets to know the others in the group, so there's a deeper relationship formed. You receive a deeper level of help, and you take on a deeper sense of accountability to the group and to yourself. So typically this results in MUCH greater progress than if you're "hiding out" in a larger group.

    Group coaching does NOT feel like your typical "instructor sharing his wisdom at the front of the room." Indeed, because my expertise is much more in coaching and facilitation than it is in the sacred music itself, my role is more as facilitator of high-quality discussion, where everybody on the phone call is actively engaged, both getting and giving value.

    If anyone's familiar with the concept of "MasterMind Groups", it's similar to that, except with a shared focus of attention for the six weeks. That will provide the basis for each person to make some powerful progress.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I had another great point raised by someone regarding the Group Coaching: How do you know if it has value until you've been able to experience it? That's a very valid point.

    So here's the offer I'll make to this community: The first meeting on October 1st is absolutely free, no obligation whatsoever. No need to continue on with the rest of the six week program.

    I need to limit it to ten people so that we still can have a high quality discussion, so it's important for you to contact me at to get the dial-in details.

    Are you interested?