eft94530: Have a little mercy! I know that the author went to the website to gather much of the material for her article. Both matters you cited probably were mistakes rather than the author taking liberties. We were pleased with some coverage, as the Herald had largely ignored our successful workshops at St. John the Beloved in McLean in 2007, 2008 (except for the ads we bought).
NOW it makes sense. the colloquiem was SADLY deficient with regards to calypso...nothing to dance to. and it fits in with latin so well..you know...
David Andrew: "...the Diocese of Arlington is making brick by brick advances...." It is in the trenches/parishes, not the cathedral, that advances are being made with chant. For this Pilgrimage/chant workshop in DC, we have about 165 registrants who are coming from various places, including the Diocese of Arlington- -some of whom have not attended the two prior workshops at St. John the Beloved in McLean, VA in 2007/2008. Thus it is hoped that a few more said "bricks" will soon be in place. In 2007 and 2008, we stopped registration at 100 people for the chant workshops.
7of my schola are attending it this weekend. We are VERY VERY excited.
Also, one of the homeschooling parent at a social gathering commented that Mass at the churches he went to in Arlington was pretty different from those in Baltimore areas. I cheer for your hard work for your diocese and help others to promote sacred music. We are trying very hard here too, and starting to notice changes and support of many priests. (Our pastor lead us this morning to sing Sanctus in daily Mass. I almost cried, because latin is not definitely 'popular' in this area. )
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