My Episcopal Choirmaster pal and I are looking for a new setting of the Requiem in the style and length of the Faure or Rutter. For performance, not for Liturgical use. We want one with a small instrumental ensemble, not full orchestra and/or organ accompaniment.
There has been some discussion here amongst the Episcopalian musicians for commissioning one by the Diocese in honor of a beloved musician who recently died.
Would be interested in hearing from the composers on this site- I know it isn't strictly Gregorian, but I thought you might have something like this or know of one. Not that Wilberg thing,tho'. :)
there was an absolutely stunning setting of a piece of the requiem for the firefighters who died during 9/11that we sang through during the 2008 colloquiem reading session.i cant remember any details other than how moving the work was.
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