I'm amazed at the problems with this one, just look at it! What were they thinking? I could go into detail, but it's got to be perfectly obvious to all where this fails like so many of today's contemporary Catholic songs!
Nocte surgentes vigilemus omnes, semper in psalmis meditemur atque viribus totis Domino canamus dulciter hymnos, Ut, pio regi pariter canentes, cum suis sanctis mereamur aulam ingredi cæli, simul et beatam ducere vitam. Præstet hoc nobis Deitas beata Patris ac Nati, pariterque Sancti Spiritus, cuius resonat per omnem gloria mundum.
He's definitely fallen in my eyes after seeing this. What a disappointment. Well, we've always know he didn't write chant, so what's another disappointment to deal with concerning a major Catholic figure.
Noel and I are just goofing off. This is a classic, a cornerstone, the standard Matins hymn. All else is measured by its greatness.
Father, we praise thee, now the night is over, active and watchful, stand we all before thee; singing we offer prayer and meditation: thus we adore thee.
Monarch of all things, fit us for thy mansions; banish our weakness, health and wholeness sending; bring us to heaven, where thy saints united joy without ending.
All holy Father, Son, and equal Spirit, Trinity blessed, send us thy salvation; thine is the glory, gleaming and resounding through all creation.
What I love about these old hymns is their gentleness. Like introit chants, they rouse and calm, at the same time. Recollection is fostered but in an engaged way. The mind becomes active but in a receptive way.
Sorry to sign in 3 yrs after the fact. I have yet to find an acceptable English translation of the matins hymn Nocte surgentes ("We arise at night to keep vigil"); but music in Sapphic meter invites a certain majesty, does it not? RVW harmonized both CHRISTE SANCTORUM (which gets its name from the office hymn translated as Christ the fair glory) and CAELITES PLAUDANT (to which Christ the fair glory is most often sung). Of a less magisterial nature, Fred Pratt Green's more devotional text Christ is the world's light is often sung to this tune, as is a God of the living, sometimes sung at funerals.
Anyway - working on a descant and harmonization to this tune at the moment.
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