We are at a new moment in the liturgical renewal initiated by Vatican II’s document Sacrosanctum Concilium, the decree on the liturgy. The Church is now preparing new translations of the prayers used in liturgy. This is a graced moment to enter into the renewal, not just with a change of words, but with a change of heart as well. Therefore, it is important first to keep in mind why the Church is so keenly interested in the words of the liturgy and second to understand the connection between liturgy rightly prayed and life unselfishly lived.
The words used in the Sacred Liturgy are freighted with meaning that comes from beyond the assembled community. We listen to the readings from Sacred Scripture. The words of Scripture are the inspired Word of God. God speaks to His people directly. Faithful translations make His voice more readily heard.
We raise our voice in prayer and acclamation. Our words express a faith that comes to us from the apostles. They are, therefore, doctrinal and formal. Our words express a faith that is truly shared by all members of the Church in all places and at all times. The words, therefore, are communal and Catholic. The words of the liturgy are too important to be left to one individual’s improvisation. Liturgy is worship, not theater.
Because the words used in liturgy bring God’s Revelation into our present moment and because they lift our prayer to God in worship, there is always a special care to choose the right words.
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