Can anyone out there point me to a score for Psalm 94, Venite exultemus Domino? I am the schola director of a small group under the aegis of the Society of St. Gregory the Great in Bend, Oregon. More than 40 years ago at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, I sang a piece that was based on a psalm tone and then had a chorus of "Jesum Christum, Regem Regum. Venite adoremus in a falso bordone setting, much like the Magnificat in the St. Gregory Hymnal. I have searched the Internet in vain for a score.
Petrucci hat in die Motetti della corona von Mouton nicht weniger als 21 Motetten aufgenommen — in's erste Buch: Gaude Barbara beata; Nos qui vivimus; Laudate Deum in Sanctis; Ecce Maria genuit nobis; Beata Dei genitrix; Christum regem regum;
This could have been the invitatory for All Saints:
Regem regum Dominum, venite adoremus,* Quia ipse est corona Sanctorum omnium.
With this would go the Venite in Tone II. Unfortunately I only have the Medicea version of this psalm, page 295 in the Directorium chori. The medicean invitatory is on page 210 of the aforementioned PDF, the traditional variant is on this page of a manuscript antiphonary from a franciscan monastery, 13th century. The psalm tone would be in the missing pages at the beginning of the codex.
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