Our Schola suddenly became smaller with different movements. Im wondering if anyone knows of a simple three part or motet for Lenten Acclamation before the Gospel. Also, does anything exist in Chant? I have never found it in any chant books. Did not see anything on Gregobase either.
The Lenten acclamation before the gospel is essentially a fabrication in the new lectionary. The chant for that point in the liturgy is the tract from the Graduale Romanum or one of the few options given in the Graduale Simplex. My suggestion would be to check the latter for something straightforward you could use.
We use the popular adaptation of Orbis factor. I suppose if one really wanted polyphony something from Machault, Codex Faenza, or Frescobaldi might do. The monophonic chant is less distracting at that point in the Mass, imho.
we normally do an english type chant but for some bigger days like tomorrow, and then holy thursday, palm sunday, etc,,,, we wanted something more embellished but not sure I think im going to have to sit down and look at my options and my people.
Here’s one of my favorite options fully fleshed out in harmony, which would soound good with just the ATB (and I could transpose it up for you): https://youtu.be/-saX3_MJ5kA?si=MGMb8JLN0iWHRtC8
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