“Emotional manipulation in a worship service is like a shepherd leading people to certain pastures without knowing why,” wrote Zac Hicks, author of The Worship Pastor, on the subject of “manipulation vs. shepherding.”
“Manipulation, at its best is ‘purposeless shepherding,’ or ‘partial shepherding,’” Hicks wrote. “A sheep-person waking up from the fog of manipulation will often first exclaim, ‘Wait, why am I here?’”
There’s also a reason why we’re not supposed to be ruled by our emotions and appetites.
There is no rhythm in Gregorian chant really.
"Music composed for the sung Liturgy should, if things are being done well, have to live side-by-side with Gregorian chant, and not feel terribly out of place doing so. Indeed, it should feel right at home. Because just as liturgical music must respect length etc. in proportion to the liturgy, it also must respect the native soundscape of the liturgy.
especially as it can downplay or even exclude suffering and disquiet.
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