Jacob, this is lovely! I've wanted a good translation of this hymn for a while and not had the time to do it myself ... thank you for saving me the work. :) Late for this year, but there's always the Feast on August 6 — if I can get my choir to learn it I'll gladly share recordings.
I have nothing against the use or the translation of this hymn (and what a great melody!), but I do wonder if it should be assigned to the Second Sunday of Lent.
The hymn text, taken from Prudentius’s Cathemerinon, is about the Epiphany rather then the Transfiguration. All images and metaphors used by Prudentius refer to the visit of the magi to the newborn Christ.
Liturgia Horarum no longer uses this hymn at August 6, and rightly so, in my opinion.
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