I've started moving some of our print-on-demand books from lulu.com to Amazon's KDP print-on-demand service, since they seem to deliver more quickly and charge slightly less.
This book presents psalm verses from the Latin Vulgate Bible for introits and communions according to the 1962 liturgical calendar.
To make use in modern-rite Masses easier, this edition adds an alphabetical index of communion antiphons and an appendix with three antiphons not used in the old rite: Ego sum vitis vera, Qui biberit aquam, and Voce mea.
Postings on this forum represent the views of the individual participants and not necessarily those of the Church Music Association of America. (Some participants are not even members.)
May I just say, Richard, that I love that you included the little numbers to help guide singers through the psalm tone? I know it won't be to everyone's taste, but sometimes it is really helpful to go back and reengineer. I was just looking at a pointed text in an old edition and I honest-to-goodness could not figure out how the text was intended to be applied to the psalm tone. I could think of multiple ways to do it. Seeing this made me smile. No ambiguity! They are small enough to be ignored, but big enough to decode if you need to.
And: Chants Abrégés: the 1926 collection of chants for the Graduals, Tracts, and Alleluias, with the proper texts set to simple melodies taken from office antiphons, psalm tones, and other cantillation forms
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