  • "These abridged chants are intended exclusively for churches where it is not possible to properly execute all the melodies of the Roman Gradual and for which a simple melody of the Sacred Texts is tolerated."

    This passage is quoted in the Liber Brevior, the Chants Abreges and Fr. Rossini's collection of psalm tone settings of the Propers. It is also referred to in the fifteenth revised edition of Adrian Fortescue's "The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described" (p.171).

    Can anyone help me find the document from which this passage is taken?
  • Chrism
    Posts: 869
    December 7, 1888, Decree Ordinis Minorum Capucinorum S. Francisci, no. 3697 (5)

    5. Can the custom of singing the Mass either in psalm tone or simple chant be tolerated?
    To no. 5. The custom may be retained.

    FN127: Decreta authentica Congregationis Sacrorum Rituum, 5 vols (Rome: Vatican Press, 1898-1901), 3:195.

    Found in Hayburn, Papal Legislation on Sacred Music, p. 455.

    I assume this was the basis for the permission granted in De Musica Sacra (1958), 21c, to use Psalm tone or recto tono in certain cases.
  • Chrism
    Posts: 869
    And here is the actual page from Decreta authentica III, available on Google Books:

    DUBIUM V. Utrum tolerari possit usus Missam cantandi modo quasi Psalmodico seu semi-tonato?
    Ad V. "Retineri posse".
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577

    Steps toward the solution ...


    S.C. -- Sacra Congregatio ("Sacred Congregation")
    Rit. -- Ritus ("Rite", "Rites")


    The Sacred Congregation of Rites was a congregation of the Roman Curia, erected on January 22, 1588 by Pope Sixtus V and dissolved by Pope Paul VI on May 8, 1969.

    The Congregation was charged with the supervision of the liturgy and other sacraments, and with the process of canonization of saints. With the reforms of Paul VI, it was divided into the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and the Congregation for Divine Worship.


    [...] Sources [...]
    For ecclesiastical legislation, one must follow the
    "Acta Apostolicæ Sedis", a monthly official bulletin published in Rome;
    the promulgation of laws authentic interpretations, decisions and rescripts of the Roman Curia
    is now effected ipso facto by publication in this periodical.

    For past decisions the various decreta authentica
    of different Roman Congregations must be consulted. Such are
    "Thesaurus resolutionum Sacræ Congregationis Concilii", from 1718 (Rome);
    "Decreta authentica Congregationis Sacrorum Rituum" (Rome, 1898);
    "Decreta authentica sacræ Congregationis Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis Præpositæ", from 1668 to 1882 (Ratisbon);
    Pallottini, "Collectio omnium decretorum Sacræ Congregationis Concilii" (Rome, 1868);
    Bizarri , "Collectanea Sacræ Congregationis Episcoporum et Regularium" (Rome, 1863, 1885);
    "Collectanea Sacræ Congregationis de Propaganda Fide" (Rome, 1893, 1907).

    As to the online location of these documents wherein you can find the desired number,
    I am stuck for now (time for office tasks).
    But I will be back to update this entry for future reference.
  • Chrism and eft94530:

    Many thanks!