Candlemas 2025 Music Lists
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,037
    Always a treat to have the Feast of the Purification / Presentation on a Sunday! What did everyone do?

    Old St Mary / The Cincinnati Oratory
    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Organ voluntaries for all Masses — Variations on O sanctissima, R. Hiller

    9.30am Mass in Latin with Procession
    Choir, organ, and eight piece orchestra

    Full Proper
    Mozart, Missa brevis in d-moll K65 (K,G,S,A)
    Credo IV with Et incarnatus est from K65
    Tallis, O nata lux
    Josquin, Ave Maria...virgo serena
    Corelli, Pastorale ad libitum from Christmas Concerto
    Simple Alma
    In His Temple now behold Him (WESTMINSTER ABBEY)

    11.30am Mass in German
    Choir and organ

    Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
    Leopoldmesse Kyrie
    Dir Gott im Himmel Preis und Ehr
    Morgenstern der Finstern Nacht
    Heilig ist Gott in Herrlichkeit
    O du Lamm Gottes
    In Friede dein, o Herre mein
    Maria, Mutter unseres Herrn

    1pm Mass in English
    Cantor and organ

    English chant Proper
    Ordinary Jubilate Deo
    Simple Alma
    In His Temple (ST THOMAS)
    Dyson, Nunc dimittis in C
    Fairest Lord Jesus (ST ELIZABETH)

    3.30pm Latin Vespers
    Sanctuary choir, gallery choir, and organ

    Psalmody with variations super librum, polyphonic elements by T. Morley et al.
    Dufay, Ave maris stella
    Pachelbel, Magnificat in D
    Palestrina, Alma Redemptoris

  • Andrew_Malton
    Posts: 1,190
    St Mary’s in Linwood, Ontario.

    We did everything from the Liber Usualis in full, with Mass IX, but we skipped the antiphon Responsum accepit because there wasn't time. (Just before Mass it was decided to make the procession indoors, since the wind chill was well below zero F.)

    We sang “Ave Maris Stella” as an Offertory motet, since there were only three of us.

    We sang “O Mary Of Graces” at the start (before the Asperges) and -- last twinkles of Christmas -- we sang “As With Gladness Men Of Old” at the end.

  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,833
    St David of Wales, Richmond Calif.

    (no lighted candles)
    A light of revelation (mode viii)
    Missa Brevis for St David of Wales
    Resp-Ps. "Lift up your heads" & Alleluia mode ii w/ Asola falso bordone
    Off. 8:00 AM Diffusa est gratia (American Gradual)
    Off. 11:00 AM Nunc & Salva nos 4vv (Palestrina)
    Responsum accepit (American Gradual)
    "I heard the voice of Jesus say" KINGSFOLD
    "Praise my soul the King of Heaven" LAUDA ANIMA
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,804
    We had the Blessing of candles etc. E.F.
    Lumen ad revelationum (Graduale Romanum 1924) (Sung by the children's choir)
    Exsúrge, Dómine (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    Adórna thálamum (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    Responsum accepit Simeon (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    Obtulérunt pro eo Domino (Graduale Romanum 1924)

    Introit - Suscepimus Deus, (Graduale Romanum 1924) (Sung by the children choir)
    Kyrie - Byrd 3 part (Sung by the children's choir with help)
    Gloria - Mass IX (Sung by the children's choir)
    Gradual - Suscepimus Deus, (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    Alleluia- Senex puerum (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    Credo - I (Sung by the children's choir)
    Offertory - Diffusa est gratia, (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    Off. Motet - Templum cordis adornemus, Adam of St Victor Sequence
    Sanctus - Mass IX (Sung by the children's choir)
    Agnus - Mass IX (Sung by the children's choir)
    Communion - Responsum accepit Simeon (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    Com. Motet - Hymn, Postquam Puellae
    Marian Anthem - Alma Redemptoris, Simple tone (Sung by the children's choir)
  • Work in progress at my church so I won't list the whole Mass, but our choir motet was "Nunc Dimittis in D" by George Dyson. It was a huge step up to real literature for my choir.
  • Benton
    Posts: 8
    Stuff before Mass: Source & Summit

    Introit: Suscepimus, Deus (Fr Samuel)
    Kyrie: Mass XI “Orbis factor”
    Gloria: Heritage Mass
    Responsorial Psalm Source & Summit
    Alleluia Source & Summit
    Offertory: S&S
    Offertory Motet: Bogoroditse Devo (Rachmaninoff)
    Sanctus: Mass XI
    We proclaim: ICEL/Roman Missal
    Agnus Dei: Heritage Mass
    Communion: Responsum (Gregorian w/English verses)
    Communion Motet: Nunc Dimittis (Gibbons)
    Communion: Hail to the Lord's Anointed
    Recessional Hymn: Lift Up Your Heads
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • St. Aelred, Bishop GA (Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter)

    8:30am (Missa Lecta, no music)
    9:30am (sung Mass w/cantor, no hymns)
    11:00am (choral Mass)

    Ordinaries: Englished Mass IX (Communion Service Four)
    Prelude: Scheidemann Prelude in A Minor
    Distribution of Candles: Palmer and Burgess Plainsong Gradual
    - "Obtulerunt" Palmer and Burgess Plainsong Gradual
    - "In His Temple Now Behold Him"
    Introit: Palmer and Burgess Plainsong Gradual
    Gradual: St. Peter Gradual
    Alleluia: St. Peter Gradual
    Credo: recto tono, accompanied
    Offertory: Palmer and Burgess Plainsong Gradual
    Offertory Hymn: "Immortal, Invisible"
    Communion: Palmer and Burgess Plainsong Gradual
    Communion Other:
    - "Of the Father's Love Begotten" Wohlgemuth (was rehearsed and on the docket but we didn't get to sing it because I only had one soprano show up this morning)
    Recessional: "Lift Up your Heads"
    Postlude: Plein Jeu, Pierre du Mage (the one from the Assumption album)
  • Bobby Bolin
    Posts: 425
    Our Lady of Lourdes in Cleveland, OH

    Antiphon - Behold Our Lord Will Come
    Procession - In His Temple Now Behold Him
    Offertory - Christ, Be Our Light
    Communion - Canticle of Simeon (DeBruyn)
    Closing - Beautiful Savior
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,939
    Sacred Heart, Evansville

    12 PM EF

    Blessing of Candles:
    Lumen ad Revelationem (sung by the Youth Choir)
    Adorna Thalamum

    Hymns - O Sanctissima, Hail Queen Among the Heavenly Ones [MAINZ]
    Full Gregorian Propers
    Ordinary - Palestrina, Missa Papae Marcelli (In honor of his 500th birthday. minus Credo due to time constraints; perhaps later this year)
    Credo III
    Offertory - Mozart, Jubilate Deo
    Communion - Palestrina, Alma Redemptoris
  • Ordinary: Heritage Mass
    Entrance: Lift Up Your Head, Ye Mighty Gates (no procession)
    Offertory: In His Temple Now Behold Him
    Communion: Of the Father's Love Begotten and Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
    Recessional: Hail to the Lord's Anointed
  • davido
    Posts: 977
    Behold, the Lord our God - Roman Missal/Source and Summit
    A light of revelation - RM/SS
    Mass of St Francis - Buchholz
    What Child is This
    Low How A Rose
    Joy to the World
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,112
    St. Mary, Akron OH, 1PM TLM
    Processional: Prayer to the Mother of Christ (RUSTINGTON)
    Candle stuff: all the chant, except psalm-toned Responsum accepit Simeon
    Proper: psalm-toned except for Communion (not my idea; priest was doing an earlier Mass with a hard time limit and wanted the two to match)
    Ordinary: Mass IX, Credo I
    Offertory motet: Beata progenies (Leonel Power)
    Communion motet: Ave Maria (Giacomo Fogliano)
    Recessional: Immaculate Mary (IMMACULATA)
  • St. Mary’s Norwalk CT

    Chant for the blessing/procession except:

    Marco da Gagliano Lumen
    Lassus Adorna

    In the Mass:
    Victoria Missa quarti toni (quotes his Senex puerum portabat)
    Salazar Alma Redemptoris Mater
    Victoria Senex Puerum Portabat

    We had prepared Josquin’s wonderful Alma/Ave Regina but changed due to illness.
  • St Vincent de Paul, Elkhart IN (OF)

    A light for revelation (English)
    Source and Summit propers
    Psalm: Richard Proulx
    Gospel Acc: Missa pro editione tertia (Mueller)
    Lord, let your servant go in peace (MORNING SONG)
    ICEL chants
    Nunc dimittis (George Dyson)
    In his temple now behold him (ST THOMAS)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • The Basilica of Saint John the Evangelist, Stamford, CT

    Chant for the blessing
    Palestrina, Lumen ad revelationem
    Carnevali, Missa Stella Matutina
    Stanford, Nunc dimittis in C, Op. 115
    Nanino, Diffusa est gratia
    Palestrina, Nunc dimittis

  • emac3183
    Posts: 67
    Saint John the Baptist, Jordan, MN

    Proper Chants from Source and Summit
    Missa de Angelis
    Creed I ICEL
    God, Whose Almighty Word (ITALIAN HYMN)
    Lift Up Your Heads
    Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
    Alma Redemptoris Mater
    Nunc Dimittis, Gibbons (from his Short Service)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,058
    Sts. Cyril and Methodius Oratory, Bridgeport, Connecticut (ICKSP)

    (no organ prelude)

    Hymn: Hail to the Lord Who Comes (OLD 120TH)

    At the distribution of candles: Lumen ad revelationem gentium: chant alternating with Nunc dimittis - Felice Anerio (arr. Samuel Schmitt)

    At the procession: proper chants

    Proper Gregorian Mass of the day: Suscepimus

    Mass Ordinary: Missa Sine Nomine - Samuel A. Schmitt (KSBA); "Ambrosian" Gloria; Credo III

    Music at the Offertory: Senex puerum portabat - William Byrd

    Motets at the Communion: Hodie beata virgo Maria - Byrd

    Marian antiphon (during the last gospel): Alma Redemptoris Mater (simple tone) - chant, mode v

    Hymn: In His Temple Now Behold Him (REGENT SQUARE)

    Organ postlude: Prelude on a Theme of Orlando Gibbons (Song 22), op. 105, no. 2 - Charles Villiers Stanford

    Solemn Choral 2nd Vespers of Candlemas
    Ant. 2: Responsum accepit Simeon - Michael Deiss
    Ant. 4: Lumen ad revelationem - Anerio
    fauxbordon plsalms by Viadana and Victoria
    Ave maris stella - Victoria (arr. SAS)
    Magnificat antiphon: Hodie beata virgo Maria - Byrd
  • St Francis of Assisi, Longmont, CO

    Ordinary: Missa de Angelis

    -"Ecce Dominus" followed by ICEL English version of the same chant.
    -"Adorna Thalamum" in English (setting by yours truly)
    Introit: "Suscepimus Deus" from the Graduale
    Entrance Hymn: In His Temple Now Behold Him (1st Stanza)
    Kyrie: Chanted call and response option
    Psalm: Respond & Acclaim
    Alleluia: Simple Alleluia & Psalm Tone
    Offertory: In His Temple Now Behold Him (Full Hymn)
    Communion: "Responsum Accepit" from the Graduale
    Nunc Dimittis, Tertii Toni - Victoria
    Recessional: Holy God, we praise Thy Name

    669 x 717 - 61K
  • St. Jude Catholic Church, Peoria, IL, (O.F.)

    Handbells at 9:00am Mass
    Mass Ordinary: Mass of St. Philip Neri - Jernberg

    Candle lighting and blessing music for 4:00pm Vigil, 9:00am, and 11:30am Masses (No
    prelude for 7:30am Mass): “Behold, our Lord will come with power” Roman Missal antiphon,
    and “A Light for Revelation to the Gentiles”Roman Missal antiphon with Paul Jernberg “Nunc Dimittis.”

    Entrance: 4:00pm Vigil, 7:30am, and 11:30am-In His Temple Now Behold Him (ST. THOMAS)
    Entrance @ 9:00am (Principal Mass): Laudate, Laudate Dominum by Walker
    Psalm: Alstott
    Alleluia: Festival Alleluia, Chepponis
    Offertory: Nunc Dimittis by Roger Sherman (9:00am with Handbells)
    Communion motet:9:00am “When to the Temple Mary Went” Eccard
    Communion 2: Christ Be Our Light
    Recessional: The Church’s One Foundation (9:00am Moklebust handbell arrangement)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,942
    St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo

    Option ii / Solemn Entrance at all Masses with a Procession within the church.

    Antiphons i & ii from Fr. Weber
    Lumen Ad Revelationem Gentium
    Introit from Fr. Weber
    Ordinary: Mass in Honor of Our Lady, Star of the Sea by Olbash
    Psalm 24
    & Gospel Acc by yours truly
    Offertory Antiphon from Source & Summit, followed by In His Temple Now Behold Him (St. Thomas)
    Fr. Weber communio
    Nunc Dimittis by Charles Wood
    Communion Hymn: Joy! Joy! the Mother Comes (Faber text paired to the tune of When Morning Gilds the Skies)
    Recessional Hymn: O Lord, Now Let Thy Servant Depart in Heavn'ly Peace to Ellacombe
    Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas) (C • 2025) • FINAL draft.pdf
  • We sang the extremely melismatic Stirps Jesse at communion. Myself and another cantor sang the verses, with the whole choir joining at each 'Et super hunc florem..', and with an organ bassline I wrote. One of the best received of any piece we've ever sung. Otherwise nothing too unusual.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • atblehl01
    Posts: 1
    Church of the Holy Spirit, Louisville, KY

    Blessing of Candles: Behold, our Lord will come with power (Roman Missal chant)
    A light for revelation (Roman Missal chant)
    In his temple now behold him (ST. THOMAS)
    Entrance Antiphon: Your merciful love, O God (Tone I, Weber)
    Gloria: A New Mass for Congregations (Andrews)
    Psalm: C. Mueller
    Gospel Acclamation: A. Gregory Murray
    Offertory: Of the Father’s Love Begotten
    Ordinary: Deutsche Messe (Schubert, arr. Proulx)
    Communion: Lord, bid your servant go in peace (MORNING SONG); Creator of the stars of night (CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM)
    Communion Motet: The Infant King (Basque carol, arr. Willcocks)
    Recessional: Christ is the world’s light (CHRISTE SANCTORUM)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,471
    Amazing to see that I can still recognize this as Fr Klotter’s parish, just with the changes of the past ten years incorporated, haha. He was my pastor when I first moved to Louisville.