Director of Sacred Music (Full Time) -- Our Lady of Good Hope, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
  • Director of Sacred Music / Organist, Our Lady of Good Hope Parish
    7215 Saint Joe Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46835
    The Rev. Royce V. Gregerson, Pastor

    Job Overview:

    Our Lady of Good Hope Parish in Fort Wayne, Indiana invites applicants for a full-time position of Director of Sacred Music / Organist. We seek an excellent musician and committed Catholic to lead the renewal of Sacred Music in our parish according to the mind and tradition of the Catholic Church. The Director of Sacred Music will be a close collaborator with the pastor, renewing the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy at Our Lady of Good Hope Parish. We value candidates with the experience, training, musical talent, and interpersonal skills necessary to transform a culture of hymn and song-based devotional music to a richly Catholic vision according to the mind of the Church, recovering the proper antiphons and the Church’s deep treasury of Sacred Music through the centuries.

    About Our Lady of Good Hope Parish:

    This position will give you the opportunity to serve with a new but experienced pastor with a proven record of renewing the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy and especially Sacred Music. Our Lady of Good Hope Parish is a growing parish in suburban Fort Wayne, one of the fastest growing metro areas in the Midwest (regularly featuring in national rankings of livability and affordability). Fort Wayne and especially Our Lady of Good Hope Parish have a rich Catholic culture and beautiful family life. We boast a thriving and richly Catholic grade school rooted in the Catholic classical liberal arts tradition. Many of our 950 families come from around the metro area because of the beauty and reverence with which the Sacred Liturgy is celebrated and the clarity with which Catholic doctrine is taught, and we are excited to bring this renewal to Sacred Music as well.

    Duties of the Position:
    See full job description here.

    Preferred Qualifications and Abilities
    • Master’s in Sacred Music or equivalent field preferred (candidates with Bachelor’s degrees only will be considered as well)
    • Five years’ experience in a parish or related setting
    • Excellent organ ability, including hymn accompaniment and prelude and postlude literature
    • Excellent conducting and music teaching abilities
    • See job description for a full list of preferred qualifications and abilities.

    • This is a full-time position with flexible hours and full benefits, including health insurance, retirement contributions, etc.
    • Salary is commensurate with education and experience. Salary range for candidates with preferred qualifications: $65,000 - $95,000 / year, based on education, experience, and talent.
    • The starting date is negotiable, beginning May 20, 2025.
    (The State of Indiana has the nation's most robust school choice program, making parish schools tuition-free for almost all families.)

    How to Apply:

    Please submit your application via the Diocese of Fort Wayne – South Bend's portal ( Supplemental materials or recordings are also welcomed, as are all questions and inquiries. Please contact the pastor, Father Royce Gregerson, at

    Applications are preferred by March 15, 2025. A limited number of (USA-based) finalists will receive paid travel to audition and interview in person. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.
  • I am happy to provide references of music directors who have worked with me in the past who can tell you about the great experience of serving the Lord together with me and the parishes under my leadership.

    Fr. Royce Gregerson
    Thanked by 2chonak ServiamScores
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,244
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