Motet list resources for Sundays throughout the year
  • GerardH
    Posts: 511
    I seem to recall a website being shared here with curated choral motet suggestions for every Sunday and solemnity throughout the year. I neglected to bookmark it when I saw it. Does anyone know of the site?

    CanticaNOVA's Liturgical Planning pages are excellent for hymns, but a bit lacking in suggestions for choral music, and CPDL's Sacred music by season pages usually only contain texts explicitly assigned to a particular Sunday, which I have also found less useful.

  • Benton
    Posts: 14
    Along these lines, I tend to simply have the choir learn mostly Eucharistic music. Then they can sing that for Communion and throw in Offertories as we learn more.

    This is my list for choir this year:

    Adoro te, Devote (Fissinger)
    Alma Redemptoris Mater (Palestrina)
    Ave Verum Corpus (Byrd)
    Ave Verum Corpus (Elgar)
    Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart)
    Cantate Domino (Hassler)
    Cantate Domino (Monteverdi)
    Dona Nobis Pacem (round)
    If Ye Love Me (Tallis)
    Jesus bleibet meine Freude (Bach)
    Locus Iste (Bruckner)
    Notre Père (Duruflé)
    O Taste and See (Vaughan Williams)
    Of the Father’s Love Begotten (Fissinger)
    Pange Lingua or Tantum Ergo (Bruckner)
    Panis Angelicus (Lambillotte)
    Tantum Ergo or Pange Lingua (Bruckner)
    Wachet auf (Bach)
    Worthy is the Lamb/Amen (Handel)

    And He shall purify (Handel)
    And the glory of the Lord (Handel)
    My Eyes for Beauty Pine (Howells)
    O Be Joyful in the Lord (Psalm 100) (Fissinger)
    O Sacrum Convivium (Messiaen)
    O Sacrum Convivium (Tharaldson)
    O Salutaris Hostia (Ēriks Ešenvalds)
    O Thou That Tellest (Handel)
    Praise the Lord (Psalm 113) (Fissinger)
    Ubi Caritas (Duruflé)
    Ubi Caritas (Gjeilo)
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen LauraKaz
  • emac3183
    Posts: 74
    Here's my list for this year...the farther we get down the line, the more options I gave myself to select as best fits the choir's needs. I have some overlap, but I'm really in a "grow repertoire" phase for the choir, so I want to get lots of music in front of them.

    All Saints
    O How Glorious by Healey Willan
    Last year we did Give Us the Wings of Faith by Bullock

    All Souls
    Gregorian Propers (Entrance, Offertory, Communion, In Paradisum)

    Christ the King (Nov. 24)
    King of Glory - Thiman
    Laudes Regiae from the Parish Book of Chant
    Jesu Rex Admirabilis by Palestrina

    Immaculate Conception (Dec. 9)
    Ave Maria - Arcadelt with the kid's schola

    Christmas (Dec. 24/25) – many of these were for a choral prelude...
    Gaudete from Pius Cantiones
    Gesu Bambino by Pietro Yon
    Parvulus Filius (Women) by Haller
    Verbum Caro Factum Est (Men) by Hassler
    Ave Maria - Arcadelt
    Last year we did O Magnum Mysterium by Victoria, my own Dominus Dixit Ad Me, Shepherds Awake by Katherine Davis, Lo How a Rose by Praetorius

    Mary, Mother of God (Jan. 1)
    Veni Creator Spiritus - gregorian
    Ave Maria - Arcadelt

    Catholic Schools Week:
    Ave Verum Corpus (Elgar) with the kid's Schola

    Presentation (February 2):
    Nunc Dimittis (from the Short Service) - Gibbons

    Ash Wed. (Mar. 5)
    Miserere Mei, Deus -
    Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy’s Sake - Farrant

    Laetare Sunday (Mar. 30)
    O Bone Jesu - Ingegneri

    Palm Sunday (April 13)
    Adoramus Te, Christe by Dubois with the kid's schola
    Drop, Drop Slow Tears Gibbons

    Holy Thursday (April 17)
    Ubi Caritas - Ola Gjeilo
    The Wisdom of God - Morber
    Ave Verum Corpus - Byrd? or Elgar as backup
    Tantum Ergo - De Severac

    Good Friday (April 18)
    Adoramus Te, Christe - Dubois
    O Bone Jesu by Ingegneri
    Popule Meus by Victoria and Reproaches by Paul Ford
    Miserere Mei, Deus by me…

    Easter (April 19/20)
    Cantate Domino by Pitoni
    Sicut Cervus - Palestrina
    This Joyful Eastertide (Wood)
    Last year we used Terra Tremuit by Philip Kreckel (a gem) and the year before that Christ the Lord is Risen Today by Mark (I think) Williams

    Divine Mercy (April 27)
    Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy’s Sake - Farrant
    Jubilate Deo Mozart?

    6th Sun Easter?
    If Ye Love Me by Tallis

    Ascension (June 1)
    Ascendit Deus (Anerio? Dalitz)
    Jubilate Deo (Mozart)
    O Rex Gloriae (Marenzio)

    Pentecost (June 8)
    Accendat in Nobis by Nicolas Lemme
    Laudate Dominum Mozart?
    Emitte Spiritum Tuum (Schuetky)

    Trinity (June 15–Father’s Day)
    Father, All-Holy by Charles Wood

    Corpus Christi (June 22)
    Anima Christi (Frisina)
    O Sacrum Convivium (Viola? Croce)
    Calix Benedictionis (Kevin Allen PBM)
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,051
    Conference of Roman Catholic Cathedral Musicians Repertoire Project

    NPM also has a members-only page with repertoire lists for each Sunday.
  • CGM
    Posts: 719
    The Church of Notre Dame, in NYC, listed its repertory 1999-2011 here (scroll down to the bottom of the page).

    David Hughes and his successor at St. Mary's in Norwalk, CT, have an excellent archive of their musical listings, from the present day all the way back to 2007, available here, for those interested in the Extraordinary Form.

    David Hughes continues this work at his present post in Colorado — see here.

    For those with more robust musical forces at hand, the choral listings of Westminster Cathedral, from 2002 to the present, may be accessed here.
    Thanked by 2rich_enough GerardH
  • GerardH
    Posts: 511
    I think it must have been the CRCCM site - thanks all!
    Thanked by 1Marc Cerisier
  • Here's a routine reminder: Critique principles, not people.
  • GerardH
    Posts: 511
    @CGM I'm getting an error on that link to your website. Great resources
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,051
    For more ideas, a number of churches offer music lists of their Masses (among many others):

    St. Vincent Ferrer, New York, NY
    St. John Cantius, Chicago, IL
    St. Joseph Cathedral, Manchester, NH
    St. Joseph Cathedral, Columbus OH
    Thanked by 1LauraKaz
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,846
    CPDL's Sacred music by season pages usually only contain texts explicitly assigned to a particular Sunday, which I have also found less useful.

    I presume you don't need someone to tell you which Sundays are apt for general use motets, but I have trouble understanding what you would have liked instead.
  • GerardH
    Posts: 511
    Don't get me wrong, the CPDL pages are still useful, but they aren't extensive. As an example, Tallis' A new commandment would be perfectly suitable for Maundy Thursday (Mandatum antiphon) or 7 OT Year C (it's the lectionary Alleluia verse), but CPDL suggests it for neither. And, naturally, CPDL is restricted to public domain works.

    Really what I would love is a list of suggestions like CanticaNOVA's, except where there are about three times as many suggestions which aren't majority from their catalogue. The CRCCM lists are a bit closer to that, and cross-referencing all three is useful too.
    Thanked by 1Marc Cerisier
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,846
    CPDL is a volunteer enterprise, and whenever I spot a category that needs populating I devote some of my spare time, hoping to inspire by example ;-) A few non-PD suggestions are on text pages (Ubi caritas for example) and on my un-updated repertory list.
    Thanked by 3CHGiffen tomjaw GerardH