Piano Accompanist Catholic Church of St. George, Long Lake, MN
  • The Church of St. George is seeking an experienced piano accompanist for the adult choir for 1 Mass per weekend, 1 rehearsal per week for 9 months of year.

    Essential Duties:
    Play piano for Wednesday rehearsal and one weekend Mass per week to accompany the adult choir from September through Pentecost
    Play for weddings and funerals when requested
    Substitute for Director of Music as needed
    Collaborate creatively with Director of Music
    Other duties as assigned by the pastor

    Compensation: $150 per Mass and $75 for rehearsal, including practice time

    Keyboard mastery, ability to accompany a choir on the piano, understanding of the Catholic liturgy and the role of music within the liturgy, ability to lead volunteers and parishioners in song

    Prefer a candidate with past experience accompanying a choir

    Application Instructions
    Please email a resume and cover letter to Fr Shane Stoppel-Wasinger at info@stgeorgelonglake.org.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,244
    [closing the item to comments as usual --admin]
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