I am curious about St Joseph, as it always falls during Lent: the rubrics for the 1962 Missal indicate that Sundays of Lent and Passiontide are of higher precedence than Class I feasts.
The CanticaNOVA list is incomplete. In fact, I sent them an e-mail 2.5 years ago asking that they consider adding St. Joseph the Workman (May 1), Precious Blood (July 1), St. Michael (September 29), and Holy Rosary, which gets an external solemnity on the first Sunday of October.
The list is I class feasts of the universal church plus II class feasts of the Lord.
That’s wrong. Patrick’s point suggests that perhaps that they confused the two feasts.
All Souls is also transferred to Monday. That’s such a fundamental error that I’m annoyed.
Also, the Purification comes with qualifications. Easter has to fall late for it to displace a Sunday as it cannot bump a ’gesima. It is reclassified as a feast of the Lord, so the commemoration of Sunday is omitted; this change gives it I Vespers when falling on Sunday and allows it to displace a Sunday after the Epiphany as II class feasts of the Virgin fall below these Sundays.
But what a depressing list. All of the Apostles are gone. In fact, a parish doing pre-55 does Saints Philip and James on May 1 when 1962 does the new feast of Saint Joseph.
The other (double of the) II class feasts, gone — October 7 is an interesting case anyway since it can’t fall in the first Sunday of the month, and I don’t even care much for the high rank of the September 15 feast, but the Nativity of the BVM is much more ancient. That feast disappeared in the 1962 last September.
Saint Lawrence and Saint Bartholomew fall on a Sunday this year. Poof. Gone.
When 3/19 falls on a Sunday it is likewise transferred to Monday in the OF, except if that Sunday is Palm Sunday, in which case it's transferred to the Saturday.
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