I write for the Benedict 16 center for Liturgy and the Arts. We produce a monthly newsletter about sacred musicians and their work. The newsletter is called Cantate! You can find it.
I am looking for TLM musicians who are half-time to full time to interview for the next issue I will edit. I hope to shed some light on the differences between those who work in the NO and those in TLM parishes. I want it to be a positive view of the TLM and of those who do the work in this particular experience. I think too many NO musicians have no idea of the musician working in the TLM. Do they face things that NO musicians don't face? What joys can be found doing this work.
I can function in both the NO and the TLM, so I know some things. But my work is primarily in the NO. PLease be kind and show your face to me and we can visit. DM me. If nothing else it will be good PR for your work and you as we have an audience of almost 3000 readers.
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