What Internet Liturgical Music Resources Do You Recommend?
  • I'm working on creating a basic reference page for current resources, including By Flowing Waters, Fr. Weber and Fr. Kelly's work, Francis Koerber's works and more.

    I have created a spreadsheet for you to add your suggestions for inclusion in the list. Please visit www.thecatholichymnal.com and use the tab on the page to access the spreadsheet.

    I did a project here that presented sample pages of responsorial psalms and hope that this might become just as useful as that was to me in understanding what is available and how it looks.

    The reference page itself will appear later on today.

    Thanks for posting your suggestions to that spreadsheet or, if it is easier for you, right here in this list.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    I assume you already know this, but you need to go down the right hand side of musica sacra ....and note the treasures! Britt's Hymns, Graduale Romanum, etc. All that stuff is sitting there and folks don't even know how to use it or what it is!

    ...and maybe you can even include This Library
  • Will do....

    I'm beginning the web page with current chants, propers and psalms and will work on that. Will eventually need volunteers to write blurbs about each book.

  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    For instrumentalists, I was surprised to discover how many people did not already know about this one when I posted on it.
    (Not strictly speaking liturgical, I know)
    And doesn't Aristotle have a table or spreadsheet of polyphonic propers available on CPDL?

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • Mark M.Mark M.
    Posts: 632
    Here's that spreadsheet. :)
  • I am inviting people to submit paragraphs that describe all the books on the right side of the Musics Sacra page....that will be incorporated into the directory....send them to me at


    Ward Method Books have already been claimed....
  • Chrism
    Posts: 875
    Would it make more sense to put a Wiki together?

    I know we'll have some debates about things, but if we can agree to stick to the known truth we should be able to agree on terminology eventually.
  • Chrism.

    Great suggestion and something that definitely should be done. If nothing else, debates could be linked to the WIKI page and be part of the knowledgebase.
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577

    In French.
    Currently displays a Joomla splash page and requires login and password (presumably for the developers).
    Undergoing updates throughout the summer.
    Should re-open in September.

    It has free scores for organ, and as I recall, voice, and maybe other instruments.
  • Wiki....wiki....wiki.....definitely would be of extreme value and use....