I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (Baptism of the Lord)
  • The Baptism of the Lord seems to me to be a bit of an odd feast without a lot of songs that are familiar to people. I gave writing new verses for I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say a try. Does this make theological and musical sense? The vision here is to go from hearing the voice of John the Baptist, to the Father, to hearing Jesus call you to Baptism.


    1.(NEW) I heard the prophet's voice cry out
    "Prepare the way of the Lord
    Make straight for Him thy crooked paths
    For the Kingdom is at hand"
    I came to the Jordan and I saw
    John the Baptist prophecy:
    "Behold the Lamb of God who takes
    Away the sins of the world"

    2. (NEW) I heard the Father's voice resound
    "You are my beloved Son"
    I saw the Holy Ghost descend
    Upon Him like a dove
    The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
    One majestic Trinity
    I saw before my eyes revealed
    Jesus Christ's Divinity

    3. (NEW?) I heard the voice of Jesus say,
    “Come unto Me and rest;
    With living waters I baptize;
    With Holy Spirit and fire”
    I came to Jesus and I found
    My longing heart's desire
    I found in him a resting place
    And he has made me glad.

    3. (ORIGINAL) I heard the voice of Jesus say,
    “Come unto Me and rest;
    Lay down, O weary one, lay down
    Thy head upon My breast.”
    I came to Jesus as I was,
    Weary, and worn, and sad;
    I found in him a resting-place,
    And he has made me glad.

    4. (ORIGINAL) I heard the voice of Jesus say,
    “Behold, I freely give
    The living water; thirsty one,
    Stoop down, and drink, and live.”
    I came to Jesus, and I drank
    Of that life-giving stream;
    My thirst was quench'd, my soul revived,
    And now I live in him.
    6120 x 7920 - 1M
    6120 x 7920 - 598K
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,440
    It's in part because other than the two changes made to the Mass of January 13, the Baptism of the Lord in the West is already a part of the office of the Epiphany, above all the magnificent antiphon of the Magnificat from II Vespers, but it is largely subordinated to the visit of the Magi; the wedding at Cana is at least on its own Sunday, outside of the (former) octave, where it is the day's Gospel.

    I mean, that's actually not that much different compared to the Byzantine rite…it's just that the Byzantines do the blessing of the waters and have a somewhat more prominent place for the Baptism of the Lord in their celebration of Theophany as a result.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,234
    For the added verses, they'll work best musically if they can follow the rhyme scheme and meter of the original version.

    "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say" is a beautiful and beloved hymn, though some people have misgivings about it, since it presents 'words of Jesus' that aren't in Scripture, but are clearly the poet's invention.

    If you end up with a hymn about the Baptism that stays close to the account given in the Gospels, it might become a valued contribution on its own.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen LauraKaz
  • So I workedshopped this with a friend, and we made it all rhyme, at the expense of some paraphrasing:

    1. I heard the prophet's voice cry out
    "Prepare for Christ the way;
    Make straight for Him thy crooked paths
    For the Kingdom comes today"
    I came to the Jordan and I saw
    John the Baptist prophesy:
    "Behold the Lamb of God who comes
    To suffer and to die."

    2. I heard the Father's voice resound
    "You are My Son whom I love"
    I saw the Holy Ghost descend
    Upon Him like a dove.
    The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
    One majestic Trinity
    I saw before my eyes revealed
    Jesus Christ's Divinity.

    Another option for verse 2 would be something like:

    2. I heard the Father's voice resound
    "You are My beloved Son"
    I saw the Holy Ghost descend
    Upon the anointed one.
    The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
    One majestic Trinity
    I saw before my eyes revealed
    Jesus Christ's Divinity.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • GerardH
    Posts: 486
    Rhyming is an improvement (as is currently being discussed elsewhere about Benediction hymns), but you've fallen into a pitfall of not following the original meter. I heard the voice uses the meter 8686D, i.e. the lines alternate eight and six syllables. There are a few spots where you have too many syllables, probably because you're singing along to KINGSFOLD, which occasionally puts two notes on one syllable.

    For the Kingdom comes today."
    I came to the Jordan and I saw
    John the Baptist prophesy:

    The Kingdom comes today."
    I came to Jordan and I saw
    The Baptist prophesy:

    "You are my Son whom I love."

    I have no good suggestion.

    One majestic Trinity
    I saw before my eyes revealed
    Jesus Christ's Divinity.

    Majestic Trinity
    I saw before my eyes revealed
    The Christ's Divinity.

    Another pitfall is inconsistent and incorrect use of thee/thou/thy. Those are first-person singular pronouns; ye/you/your are the corresponding plural pronouns. Not sure if 'prepare thy crooked paths' is meant to be singular or plural, but I suspect plural; 'You are my Son' should be 'Thou art my Son' if we're committing to the early-modern usage.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    The meter of the text fails: it's not iambic, trochaic, or something else that I can fathom, and is thus too irregular for a regular tune (texts with irregular meter usually have custom tunes for this reason).

    That said, the Baptism of the Lord is the first theophany of the Most Holy Trinity, and expressly celebrated as such in the traditions of the Eastern Churches.
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 729
    Just as a suggestion, there is a composition for I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say by Louis Berge if you wish to give it a try. Oldhymns from this forum supplied the music to me and I transcribed it for him. This arrangement was published in 1912 in song sheet form and did not appear in any of his hymn books.
    I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say.pdf
  • Rhyming is an improvement (as is currently being discussed elsewhere about Benediction hymns), but you've fallen into a pitfall of not following the original meter. I heard the voice uses the meter 8686D, i.e. the lines alternate eight and six syllables. There are a few spots where you have too many syllables, probably because you're singing along to KINGSFOLD, which occasionally puts two notes on one syllable.

    For the Kingdom comes today."
    I came to the Jordan and I saw
    John the Baptist prophesy:

    The Kingdom comes today."
    I came to Jordan and I saw
    The Baptist prophesy:

    "You are my Son whom I love."

    I have no good suggestion.

    One majestic Trinity
    I saw before my eyes revealed
    Jesus Christ's Divinity.

    Majestic Trinity
    I saw before my eyes revealed
    The Christ's Divinity.

    Another pitfall is inconsistent and incorrect use of thee/thou/thy. Those are first-person singular pronouns; ye/you/your are the corresponding plural pronouns. Not sure if 'prepare thy crooked paths' is meant to be singular or plural, but I suspect plural; 'You are my Son' should be 'Thou art my Son' if we're committing to the early-modern usage.

    Hi Gerald, thank you very much for this, I was looking for this kind of feedback! I've done my best to integrate the advice from you and the others on this forum into the work. Here's the latest version:


    1. I heard the prophet's voice cry out
    "Prepare for Christ the way;
    Make straight for Him thy crooked paths
    For the Kingdom comes today"
    I came to (the) Jordan and I saw
    John the Baptist prophesy:
    "Behold the Lamb of God who comes
    To suffer and to die"

    2. I heard the Father's voice resound
    "You are My Beloved Son"
    I saw the Spirit come to rest
    On God's Anointed One
    The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
    One Blessed Trinity
    I saw in Jesus Christ revealed
    The Son's Divinity


    I'm a little torn between "Jordan" which preserves the meter and "the Jordan" which I think makes more sense. To me "Jordan" refers to the modern Kingdom of Jordan, which is less than ideal. But it definitely sounds better. What do you all think?
    Thanked by 1irishtenor
  • Alternatively, this small variant:


    1. I heard the prophet's voice cry out
    "Prepare for Christ the way;
    Make straight for Him thy crooked paths
    For the Kingdom comes today"
    I came to (the) Jordan and I saw
    John the Baptist prophesy:
    "Behold the Lamb of God who comes
    To suffer and to die"

    2. I heard the Father's voice resound
    "You are My Beloved Son"
    I saw the Holy Ghost descend
    On God's Anointed One
    The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
    One Blessed Trinity
    I saw in Jesus Christ revealed
    The Son's Divinity

    Thanked by 1irishtenor
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    I will respectfully suggest: the effort is not ripe enough to have a congregation sing.

    It takes more effort to marry a good metrical text and metrical tune that are worthy musically, liturgically (theologically), and ritually (pastorally). A long time. It's best to withhold until fully ripe, when everything is Just Right in all three dimensions. Closer is not ripe enough.
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,925
    The other option, of course, is to keep the original 8888 conception and choose another tune.
  • GerardH
    Posts: 486
    Sorry to nitpick - you may judge for yourself how far to take the perfectionism - but there are still several issues.

    Stanza 1 lines 4 and 6, and stanza 2 line 2 still have seven syllables, not six. Try singing them to THIRD MODE MELODY (Tallis, which is frequently used with the original text) or another DCM tune, and the issues will become evident.

    Also, and this is a real nitpick, the lines:
    I saw in Jesus Christ revealed
    The Son's Divinity
    sound to me like they imply Nestorianism: the belief that Jesus Christ was two persons, the divine Son of God and the human Jesus of Nazareth.
    Thanked by 1Liam