If you happen to be in striking distance please join us for the post-covid return of the St. David of Wales Messiah sing-along this Sunday, December 29 at 7:00 PM. Now on our 14th year, we believe this is the only period instrument sing-along of Handel's masterpiece in the Bay Area, performed at baroque pitch of A = 415. Soloists include Caroline Jou Armitage, Erica Dunkle, Kevin Baum, and Richard Mix.
St. David's is at 5641 Esmond Ave. in Richmond Calif. near I-80 and within walking distance from the El Cerrito del Norte BART. A number of scores will be available for rental, and all donations are gratefully received.
Masking is encouraged but optional: the church is large and well ventilated, and we anticipate social distancing will be easy; nevertheless, as in the 1750 advertisement, "The Gentlemen are desired to come without Swords, and the Ladies without Hoops."
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