Full-time Music Director – St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish (Traverse City, MI) - Filled
  • Director of Music
    Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish of Traverse City
    1025 S. Union Street
    Traverse City, MI 49864
    (231) 947-4620
    Email: frmichael@sfparish.org
    Parish Website

    Salary Range: $75,000 to $85,000
    Typical weekly hours: 32
    Full benefits: includes health, pension, and significant tuition support for our Traverse City Catholic School system, GTACS (Parish Catholic School System).

    Link to the Full Job Description. It is under the Music Ministry category.

    The Director of Music proclaims the Gospel primarily through the enhancement of the liturgy through the music. The Director of Music is responsible for collaborating with clergy staff, ministry leaders, musicians, and volunteers to plan and execute all parish liturgies. The Director develops and directs a liturgical music program of high quality, provides vision and leadership for both current and future goals of St. Francis of Assisi and its musical life.

    The role of a Music Director is a member of the Pastoral Staff and is directly responsible to the Pastor. The Director assists the Priest with overall efforts to ensure parishioners encounter Christ through prayer, the sacraments, and worship. The scope of this role is to discern, plan, prepare and implement music opportunities for everyone in the parish. The Director supports parish leadership in the planning, execution, and celebration of all parish liturgical celebrations, including sacramental celebrations. The Music Director works with the pastor to oversee the parish music services and liturgical planning programs for all ages. To be responsible for the coordination and direction of choir(s) utilized within the parish. Provides musical direction, and participation at special parish events that call for live musical performance.

    To apply: Scroll down to: “Director of Music - 1025 S. Union St., Traverse City, MI” posting at
    Apply Here
  • This is how you do a job post, ladies and gentlemen. Straightforward, contact info, links, and even a salary range. (And a good one, too.) Well done, Father.
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