Helicopter Pilots as Organists?
  • Maureen
    Posts: 679
    I have always heard that piloting a helicopter is similar in coordination needs to being an organist. Is this a place to look for organist trainees? Is there a lot of crossover? Would this be a good rehab activity for pilots who have PTSD or are just needing a new activity?

    Just came to mind suddenly....
  • Not specifically about helicopter pilots, but I am currently writing an article on organists who fly planes for a certain American magazine. There is a considerable overlap, including several pilots for each major American airline, as well as several organists in my city and a number of luminaries (sometimes because of The War).

    My only concern re your suggestion is that coordination only becomes a useful skill for organists once they've passed the beginner stage and started using the pedals relatively independently. A Trio Sonata might feel a bit like a crosswind landing, but there's a learning curve to even getting there, and limiting your search to people with extensive prior keyboard experience will help get people to this point without washing out.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,833
    A pianist friend of mine used to dream about taxiing to a runway behind an organ console.
  • I'm a pilot and organist, and incidentally know a number of other organists that are pilots. I honestly don't know that I see a particular relationship, though. I do acknowledge that I have good eye-hand coordination beyond playing the organ, but I also find the specific physical aspects of flying to be rather simple overall (only speaking of planes, no experience with helicopters).
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,006
    I don't know about helicopters, but I know a number of fellow librarians who are organists. Maybe it is a transferable skill from learning to deal with pain in the behind people.
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