Access to Catholic Hymns Old and New by Kevin Mayhew
  • Hello everyone. Hope you are having a blessed advent, and a wonderful preparation for Christmas. I’ve looking around for a copy of Catholic Hymns Old and New Full Music edition by Kevin Mayhew. There are some songs in there I need access to. If you are able to assist, please reach out to me.
    I include the link to the book so you can see which one I’m talking about -
    Thanks. Bro.Reece SDB
  • CGM
    Posts: 718
    Are you hoping that someone will send you a copy of the book? And if so, melody-only edition, or “full music” edition? Or do you just want someone who has the book already to scan-n-send you a few particular pieces?
  • As mentioned I only need access to a few songs, so maybe a scan or even taking a picture of them and sending them to my email.