Our Lady of Guadalupe - Credo?
  • Should the Feast of Our Lady on Guadalupe on 12/12 have a Creed, according to pre-1955 rules? There seem to be good arguments for either side but no definite answer!
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,594
    Our Lady gets the Credo except on Saturdays (and at votive Masses although some forms of the Rorate indult had a Credo). And she’s either a patron or secondary patron of the places where she was inscribed in the calendar (continental patrons are not that important in the liturgy; I’m talking about the dioceses where the feast was on the calendar as a double of the I or II class).

    From comments under a Peter Kwasniewksi post on FB:

    According to Innocentius Wapelhorst, the old rule was that DAP days/feasts had the Credo and MUC (or MVC) feasts didn’t.

    DAP - credit:
    D - Festa Domini, Dominæ, Doctorum, Dominicæ - Feasts of Our Lord, Our Lady, Doctors, and Sundays.
    A - Festa Angelorum, Apostolorum -- Feasts of the Angels and of Apostles. Under this, St. Mary Magdalen would be included as "Apostle to the Apostles."
    P - Festa Patronum or Titularium Principalium -- Feasts of Patron (of the Church) or Feast of Principal Title.

    MUC (or MVC) - non credit:
    M - Festa Martyrum - Feasts of Martyrs.
    U/V - Festa (non) Virginum - Feasts of Virgins and non-Virgins (widows).
    C - Festa Confessorum - Feasts of Confessors.

    The octave of the Holy Innocents didn’t get a Credo (being outside of the Octave of Christmas).

    Most Old Testament Saints didn’t get a Credo, but the above rule seems to apply much more generally.

    Thanked by 1Josaphat1934