choir loft layout
  • Joseph_M
    Posts: 10

    I'm looking for feedback on where to place a 30-32 member choir in the choir loft. This is my first choir season with them. I'm a self trained rural parish (OF) pianist who picked up the organ 2 years ago to serve every weekend instead of just substituting. I can pick up the hymnal without needing to practice much on the organ anymore, and can play some of the Little Preludes and Fugues, wedding processionals/recessionals, and some works by Paul Fey for example. I'm still reliant on the piano for a lot of choral pieces, though I'm working towards more sacred music with organ accompaniment.

    For the past 10 years, they are used to all huddling around the organ console with the men in the back and directly in front of me at the organ. The ladies are split on the sides. This speaks down the nave. I think about 7 people can fit comfortable on either side of the organ There are a few issues I have with this. First, since I'm more comfortable on the piano, there are times I need to move from the organ bench and I can't make my way through without a lot of people moving around. Second, the piano placement has my back to the choir without the ability to even hear half the choir. Third, the choir is extremely distracting while I play or try to focus on Mass. Fourth, I don't know how they even have a shot at hearing each other sing. Last, the organ is right behind them and they complain when I accompany the congregation because the "organ is too loud."

    I cleared out one of the sides of the loft to set up enough chairs for them to sit (picture is before clearing it out). This gives me line of sight from the organ and piano to most all the choir, with obstruction from the organ case and pillar for 1/4 of the choir. We moved the choir mics over there, though these seem unnecessary to amplify 30 singers. I'm not sure if it makes sense for the choir to sing down the side aisle. They also struggle to not drag behind the organ accompaniment because they are now 'behind' and off to the side of the organ. I like them all being together, having a seat to sit in, and in a 'controlled' location where they aren't distracting me or the priest.

    Appreciate any insights or suggestions to make this work well. Hopefully I attached the pictures correctly
    4000 x 3000 - 4M
    4000 x 3000 - 6M
    480 x 360 - 39K
  • davido
    Posts: 930
    Oh, to have such problems
    Thanked by 2rvisser tomjaw
  • Looks to me from the posted pictures that the organ console is mobile. I would turn the console 90 degrees so your left side is facing down the nave and move the entire unit further to the stage left side of the loft. I'd move the piano directly in front of the now sideways console. Then scatter the choir seating in the now open space in the center of the loft. You could put up a choir riser in that centered location so they can move to there when singing and keep your seating area off to the rear side corners of the loft also. Choirs can learn to use their peripheral vision for cueing and cutoff, indeed that might get more eyes on you since they would see an arm waving off in the side of their vision and might actually pay attention to it!
  • Joseph_M
    Posts: 10
    That's worth giving a shot. The organ console is mobile. I think I can move it far enough where there'd be enough room to walk in between it to get to the seating area on stage left side as well.