Troped Graduale Romanum Alleluia for Novus Ordo
  • I shared this on Facebook yesterday, but thought I'd share here for those who don't run in the same circles as me online.
    I attended an online clinic this past weekend and Dr. Mahrt shared how it would be possible to use the Gregorian Alleluias found in the G.R. in a Novus Ordo Mass if you simply allow the congregation to repeat the Neumatic Alleluia prior to the Jubilus, then have the Schola or choir chant the Jubilus on their own. I took this a step further to fit it into what is normally "expected" by the congregation at an average N.O. Mass and troped the ending of the Jubilus using the Lectionary Gospel Acclamation Verse. It was also brought to my attention that if one were to repeat the Neumatic Alleluia after the verse, it would not be in the Mode which it is listed. I tried to solve that by using Puncta Cava to allow for Polyphony on the ending of the Alleluia to give the appearance of ending in the Mode it represents. I'm going to be trying it with my Schola in November (33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time)

    XXXIII Ordinary Alleluia with troped Roman Lectionary Verse Jubilus and organum.pdf