Works by Jacobus Gallus
  • from a recent post
    >> "It seems that a good portion of the "Opus musicum" is neither edited nor recorded so there might sth hidden...."

    maybe because his works can be found under
    Jacob Handl
    Jacobus Gallus
    Iacobus Gallus
    Jakob Petelin
    Jacobus Handelius
    Jacob Hahnel
    or even attributed to Tomas Luis de Victoria
    .....and who knows where else...
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    See the "Opus musicum (Jacob Handl)" page at CPDL for a complete listing of the 4 volumes, together with a listing of the works available for free download at CPDL.

    N.B. "Gallus" and "Handl" both mean "Rooster", as does "Petelin" (which Handl avoided, though). "Carniolus" is a reference to his place of origin.
  • smt
    Posts: 71
    That's the page I was referring to and I would guess CPDL provides roughly a third of the "opus". There doesn't seem to be a scholarly edition or sth else under copyright, which CPDL could not use.