Sequence for Our Lady of Sorrows - English?
  • Bri
    Posts: 117
    Does anyone know where I might be able to find an English-language version of the sequence for Our Lady of Sorrows?

    (I see that Fr. Weber has set the other sequences but not the one for Our Lady of Sorrows -- unless perhaps I am overlooking it.)

    Thank you!
  • It can also be found in the Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Psalter. It is in parts 3&4, beginning at page 204. It uses the melody which is proper to the sequence as opposed to the tune one often hears with the Stabat Mater at stations, etc.
    Thanked by 2AnimaVocis Bri
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,526
    I suppose that because it now can only ever occur on Sundays as the feast of title, this is why it's not in Fr Weber's book or in the Liber Cantualis comitante organo (mysteriously that book has the familiar hymn tune). Which is a shame, because the chant is quite nice and is dare I say preferable to the hymn tune.
    Thanked by 3trentonjconn tomjaw Bri
  • Decades ago, I played for OLS, and used an OLD (ca. 1965) accompaniment found in Our Parish Prays and Sing. I no longer had that book, but the chant accompaniments were servicable.
    Thanked by 1Bri
  • Bri
    Posts: 117
    MatthewRoth, can you share more about a "feast of title"?

    I'm not familiar with this term.

  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,814
    Before the first of the Papal deforms of the 20th century, many feast took precedence over Sundays after Pentecost, so this year we would have the Nativity and Sorrows of the BVM instead of the Sunday Mass.
    After the deforms, these Feasts of the BVM would be commemorated. Now if your church has the Title (Titular) of the Our Lady of Sorrows you would have the Feast instead of the Sunday. This applies to the EF... the NO calendar has gone much further along the road of obliterating the Sanctoral cycle.
    Thanked by 1Bri
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,526
    Luckily a feast of title still trumps many Sundays in the NO calendar (certainly green Sundays, maybe Easter ones after Low Sunday but excluding the Ascension where it is moved and certainly Pentecost; I seem to recall an ordinary parish whose external solemnity of the feast of St Bernadette was kept in Paschal Time to move it from Lent).

    Also, even Divino Afflatu didn’t touch these particular Marian feasts when they happen to fall on Sunday (that was 1960). Seven Sorrows is just fixed to a date instead of a Sunday (IIRC the third) of September in the reforms of Pius X.
  • Before the first of the Papal deforms of the 20th century, many feast took precedence over Sundays after Pentecost,

    And this was quite a reprehensible situation. Feasts (even Sundays!) that were well over 1000 years old were being replaced by 19th century and 18th century feasts. It really was a disgrace.
    Thanked by 1Roborgelmeister