Mystic Modern: the music of Charles Tournemire
Looking for Antiphonale Romano-Seraphicum 1928
  • Hello everyone. I am Charles from the Philippines and I am currently looking for a scanned copy of the rare Antiphonale Romano-Seraphicum published by Desclee in 1928.

    Looking back at many posts here in MusicaSacra, I saw many music ministers here claiming to have a copy.

    If it happens that you see this message, please send me a copy of the said document as it would be useful for us here in the monastic community of Poor Clares near our parish and in my personal study of the Latin liturgy in Franciscan tradition.

    Thank you!
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,813
    I have a pdf copy it is 526 MB. What would be the best way of sending it?
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    @yomjaw Wouldn't the easiest way be to post it on this thread, and then @SSDCharless could download it from here?
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,813
    I thought it was too large to upload here... My Dropbox is full so that does not help.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 8,955
    Thanks for sharing your copy of the file, @tomjaw. I have added it to the CMAA resource list under "More Latin chant resources". Here's a direct link:
  • smt
    Posts: 76
    What is it exactly compared to the Antiphonale Romanum?
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,813
    @smt This is an Antiphonale used by the Franciscans... Many of their books are described as 'Romano-Seraphicum' rather than OFM, Franciscan etc.
    Thanked by 1smt
  • What is it exactly compared to the Antiphonale Romanum?

    I suppose it could additionally contain propers for Franciscan Saints.