Wilmington, VT Section Leader
  • Our little parish in Wilmington, VT is making great strides in restoring the sacred and incorporating the riches of our musical tradition into the Sacred Liturgy. While our efforts are modest, the trajectory is clear and the parishioners are ready for more. However, as the parish priest, I have been leading the choir practices and leading much of the singing from the altar, and have reached a certain plateau. I am now renewing our efforts to find someone who can help us continue further. A strong singer who can lead the choir during our Sunday 10:30 am Mass is what is most needed. I am happy to continue choosing the repertoire and directing the practices, but someone who can help lead the singing during Mass would be a great help to us. If that person could also play the piano/organ, that would be wonderful, but not needed. Please contact me at father.chalifoux@gmail.com or 802-464-7329 for more details.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    [Closing the item to comments as usual. --admin]
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