Just a quick note about something wonderful that happened this morning. Some of the readers of this forum may be aware that my hymn text was chosen as the official hymn of the Eucharistic Revival. It was sung during the Entrance Procession today at the Congress. For reasons of time, they sang through 4 of the 5 verses 3 times, to HYFRYDOL, which is no quick tune.
I'm very grateful to God and to the organizers of the Congress and of the (blind) contest.
I just checked my dates here, and I've been a member of this forum since 2008, so that's a lot of time and discussion. Over the years I've received a great deal of encouragement and helpful feedback, including critical feedback. All of this has been very useful to me, and I wanted to say thank you to all who have had a hand in my formation as a hymn writer.
Special shoutouts to Fr. Krisman and the late Charles Culbreth, my loyal sparring partners, and to Adam Wood.
I just arrived home from the Congress. It was an indescribably beautiful and inspiring experience! Last month my schola did a concert of Eucharistic-themed motets in anticipation of the upcoming Eucharistic Congress. We started the performance with your hymn text (to HYFRYDOL). It was heartwarming and inspiring for my family to hear and sing your hymn again at Mass at the Congress itself. Thank you for that gift.
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