Recommended reading/virtual training
  • Joseph_M
    Posts: 8
    I'm looking for guidance. I'm almost at 1 year as a part time Music Director. I work full time outside of the church. I'm proficient on the piano. I acquired a Hammond H133 organ two years ago and have mostly self taught the organ. My pedal technique and fluency needs to improve.

    I always overlooked music theory when receiving piano lessons throughout my childhood. I now realize the importance of it. I'm Looking for recommendations of books to read, virtual trainings, YouTube channels etc to devote myself to improving my ability to serve the Church. I'm responsible for 2 parishes (OF). One with a well established choir, and one that needs a lot of work. We use We Celebrate hymnal and missalettes. I have a Tonebase piano subscription I'm gaining value from for Music Theory. I don't know much about directing a choir, especially from the organ. My main desire is eventually to have a schola sing chant, but I realize that's a different style of conducting. I've listened to a lot of Chant School Podcast info. Read/Listened to Dr Mahrt.

    Essentially, what do I need to study to get the necessary skills, theoretical knowledge, and competence to do this job well and not feel like an imposter? Sorry for the lack of clarity and rant
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,073
    This is a very helpful post, because lots of people are in your position or otherwise doing a lot of music without much or any, or with inadequate, formal musical education.

    Ear training and theory gaps are probably very common for what it’s worth.

    And for my money, being able to explain how to do exercises (not just why, but that helps too) when someone isn’t quite getting it helps too. I’m not great at lip trills for example, but it’s worse knowing that people who have long sung in choirs, even if not pros themselves, don’t remember how hard this is for amateurs (not a pot shot by any means at members here, but go watch high-school or college choir videos that go viral…)