name: Gustate et videte;
user-notes: OT 14 ;
commentary: Ps. 33:9;
annotation: Comm. iii;
centering-scheme: english;
%fontsize: 12;
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%font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
%width: 4.5;
%height: 11;
OO(g/hj) taste(jjj) *(,) and(ghGFEf) see(fe..) (,) how(f/e/fh) gra(hg/gf/ghg)cious(g) the(g) Lord(egff) is:(fe..) (:)
hap(e/fg)py(g) are(ghGF) they(h.) (,) who(h.v ghFD) put(fh) their(g) trust(hggf/ghg) in(egff) him.(fe..) (::)
I(g) will(hj) bless(j) the(j) Lord(k) at(j) all(ih) times:(jjj) (:) his(ig) praise(hj) shall(j) ev(j)er(jji) be(hg) in(h) my(i) mouth.(gh..) (::)
I(g) will(hj) glo(k)ry(j) in(j) the(ih) Lord:(jjj) (:) let(ig) the(hj) hum(j)ble(jji) hear(hg) and(h) re(i)joice(gh..) (::)
Glo(g)ry(hj) be(j) to(j) the(j) Fa(j)ther(j) and(j) to(j) the(j) Son(j) (,) and(j) to(j) the(j) Ho(k)ly(j) Spir(ih)it.(jjj) *(:) As(ig) it(hj) was(j) in(j) the(j) be(j)gin(j)ning,(j,) is(j) now(j) and(j) ev(k)er(j) shall(ih) be,(jjj) (:) world(j) with(j)out(jji) end.(hg) A(hi)men.(gh..) (::)
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