Communion antiphons?
  • Joseph_M
    Posts: 11
    I'm trying to implement Communion Antiphons at my parish using the ones from Andrew Motyka. I can't figure out why the antiphon doesn't match what's in the Missal. For the 13th Sunday in OT year B, can someone explain why his version doesn't match up? Our hymnals/missalette combo has the communion antiphons hidden, so parishioners wouldn't know the difference either way. Thanks in advance!
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,440
    The missal antiphons were (mostly) newly created and are meant to be read (although the US has permission for these to be set to music). Anyway, the missal cycle of antiphons is independent of the gradual’s, but Andrew’s project uses the chants of the gradual.
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    Also, the sung communion antiphons change sometimes depending on the lectionary cycle (year a/b/c)
  • DavidOLGCDavidOLGC
    Posts: 95
    We've been using the Adoremus Pew Missal Propers and they work pretty well.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,493
    There is an explanation ot the foot of this page:-
    Thanked by 1Liam
  • lmassery
    Posts: 425
    There are 2 sources of proper antiphons: Roman gradual and the Roman missal. They sometimes match, but often do not. The ones in most missalettes will be the Roman missal ones, but Mr Motyka’s are based on the Roman gradual.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,493
    On this vexed question we have
    The entrance and communion antiphons of the Missal were intended to be recited, not sung, and to inspire the creation of suitable songs in the vernacular. Bugnini; Reform… p.891
    ... y luego se procedió a la redacción definitiva del « Ordo antiphonarum », a base de los siguientes criterios:
    1. Se escogieron los textos en orden a su recitación, sin relación al canto. Por lo tanto con ello no se atenta en modo alguno contra el tesoro gregoriano que el Concilio mandó conservar íntegramente.
    A. FRANQUESA, O.S.B. Page 215 of Notitiae-054-1970 :- here [link now corrected]
    more recently Jeff Ostrowski wrote
    - “Incidentally, Jason McFarland says the editors of the 2002 Missale Romanum “applied minor revisions to a few of the Latin antiphon texts to make them correspond to the chants found in the Graduale Romanum,” citing an unpublished article by Peter Finn

    My view is that Bugnin and Franquesa were not responsible for vernacular translation, and are writing solely about the Missale Romanum in anything they say that is regulatory.