Communion antiphons?
  • Joseph_M
    Posts: 7
    I'm trying to implement Communion Antiphons at my parish using the ones from Andrew Motyka. I can't figure out why the antiphon doesn't match what's in the Missal. For the 13th Sunday in OT year B, can someone explain why his version doesn't match up? Our hymnals/missalette combo has the communion antiphons hidden, so parishioners wouldn't know the difference either way. Thanks in advance!
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,050
    The missal antiphons were (mostly) newly created and are meant to be read (although the US has permission for these to be set to music). Anyway, the missal cycle of antiphons is independent of the gradual’s, but Andrew’s project uses the chants of the gradual.
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 308
    Also, the sung communion antiphons change sometimes depending on the lectionary cycle (year a/b/c)
  • DavidOLGCDavidOLGC
    Posts: 80
    We've been using the Adoremus Pew Missal Propers and they work pretty well.