Anima Christi for SATB (2024)
  • Pax
    I have been following this forum for a while now but have just recently applied for membership on the forum.
    Just wanted to share a new piece for SATB choir

    God Bless!

    Soul of Christ.pdf
    Soul of Christ.mp3
  • smt
    Posts: 65
    Wow, that sounds really good! How did you produce the mp3? It gives a really good impression how the piece could sound, other than the typical piano-midis.
    Thanked by 1AdteBeateJoseph3
  • Praise God! I used Musescore’s new choir sounds for the mp3
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,921
    Ok... WOW.

    Tbh, I wasn't expecting that much because often arrangements shared on this forum are average / Gebrauchsmusik (feel free to lop mine in with that assessment) but this is truly a stunning composition. I think I might pitch this as an option for an ordination next year... It's not an easy piece, but it sure is beautiful. Again, I'm gobsmacked. I just love it.
    Thanked by 1AdteBeateJoseph3
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,921
    Also, JEV, can we have your name for proper attribution?
  • Praise God.
    Jacob Emmanuel Viola
    Thanked by 1ServiamScores
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,029
    I signed in specially to thank you for this. Beautiful work.
  • Thanks all for the kind words. Please let me know if any of you find it useful for your own choirs!
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,206
    This is a lovely work - congratulations! - and thank you for sharing it here.
    Thanked by 1AdteBeateJoseph3
  • Thank you, it is beautiful choral writing, and very singable. It kind of reminds me of Willan with the very long, stepwise and modal lines, each making complete sense.

    I would critique the syllabification in a few spots, especially where the choir is singing three different vowels at the same time. I think the wordless mp3 hides some clashing you might not realize until you hear it in practicum. For instance, it holds together on the first page, and then the first problem area I see is in mm13-19. You might want to consider fudging the text or redistributing the inner voices a little for a more mellifluous sound here.

    Thank you for this work! Do you have practice tracks? (pretty please)
  • Thanks liampmcdonough for your comments and critique; I appreciate them both!
  • For those who desire practice audio for Anima Christi
    Soul of Christ Soprano Dominant.mp3
    Soul of Christ Alto Dominant.mp3
    Soul of Christ Tenor Dominant.mp3
    Soul of Christ Bass Dominant.mp3
  • Update: Since I revised the piece I will be adding the new audio. Let me know if I should just remove the original files/audio for the original score or just keep them!
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,393
    I think that it’s customary and helpful to leave the original post as is and to add revisions in a new comment.
    Thanked by 1AdteBeateJoseph3
  • Update: I've revised the piece a little bit to: 1) Clear the text a little bit at "Water from the side of Christ" 2) Redid some of the parts where the voices would approach a 7th in the same motion so as to make it easier to sing among other re-voicing

    Soul of Christ Revised.pdf
    Soul of Christ Equal Voices.mp3
    Soul of Christ Soprano.mp3
    Soul of Christ Alto.mp3
    Soul of Christ Tenor.mp3
    Soul of Christ Bass.mp3