Scripture references in the Graduale Romanum
  • I had a question regarding the scripture references in the Graduale.

    Using the Vigil of Pentecost Introit as an example, it references Rom. 5.5; 10, 11; and Ps. 102

    Now, I can see from looking up the references that Rom. 5:5 is the correct reference for the chant (Caritas Dei), and Ps. 102 is the Vulgate numbering, so it would be Ps. 103 in the Greek numbering. But what I do not understand is the "10, 11." I looked those verses up in Romans, and while I can see a somewhat loose connection to Romans 5:5, there is nothing referencing the text from those verses in the chant itself. Why were those numbers listed? Is there some kind of vestigial numbering system or referencing an older chant that used to be, but is no longer?
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 993
    No, it’s a typo. The scripture reference for the introit Caritas Dei (Vigil of Pentecost and Holy Trinity, Year C) should be Rom 5,5; 8,11.

    Antiphon: ‘Caritas dei diffusa est in cordibus vestris alleluia per inhabitantem spiritum eius in vobis alleluia alleluia.’

    Rom 5,5: ‘spes autem non confundit, quia caritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris per Spiritum Sanctum, qui datus est nobis.’

    Rom 8,11: ‘Quod si Spiritus eius, qui suscitavit Iesum a mortuis, habitat in vobis, qui suscitavit Christum a mortuis vivificabit et mortalia corpora vestra per inhabitantem Spiritum suum in vobis.’
  • Thank you! Much appreciated.