Memorial acclamation, Vidi Aquam simplex and Apostolic Creed
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,001
    Lately, I came across three issues:

    According to the Gregorian Missal, the memorial acclamation Mortem tuam is "the only form of the acclamation presently set to Gregorian chant". However, in one of the Papal liturgies, I found a setting of Quotiescumque manducamus (see attachment).
    - This setting has no rythmic signs: where should rythmic signs be added? I know the melodic formula is the same as Mortem tuam, but I just want to be sure.
    - Does someone know of a Gregorian setting of Salvator mundi, salva nos, qui per crucem et resurrectionem tuam liberasti nos?

    In a Dutch hymnal I found a simple setting of Vidi aquam, again without rythmic signs (see attachment).
    - Where should rythmic signs be added?
    - Do you know the origin of this setting?

    In the new Roman Missal (2002,2008) there is also the Apostolic Creed (Credo in Deum), to be used during Lent and Pascal Time.
    - Does someone know of a Gregorian setting of the Apostolic Creed?

  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > Does someone know of a Gregorian setting of the Apostolic Creed?

    I understand there is one such setting in the Graduale Simplex, but I do not have that book. Perhaps someone who does will post a scan...?

    UPDATE: Sorry, the next post shows I was wrong...
  • I have a copy of the Graduale Simplex; no Apostolic Creed is present. (The four settings of the Nicene Creed that the GS contains are Credo I, III, III, and the Ambrosian, labeled as IV.)
  • Paul F. Ford
    Posts: 864
    At the request of Msgr. Frederick McManus, I provided two settings on the Apostles Creed in the Ambrosian style, one a through composition and the other in question and answer form.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,001
    So far, I found out the following:

    With regard to the memorial acclamations, I completely overlooked this thread. Here, Richard Rice gives musical settings for all three acclamations, where the last two are adapted to the melody of the first. His setting of Quotiescumque manducamus is only slightly different from what was used in the Vatican.

    The simple setting of the Vidi aquam was found in the Liber Cantualis, nr. 29B.

    I also found two Gregorian versions of the Symbolum Apostolorum or Apostole's Creed. One is used by Richard Lawrence Poe for chanting the Rosary. It's a farsed version from the Middel Ages, found in David Hiley's Western plainchant: a handbook. I'm not sure if the Creed can be performed this way, without the additional phrases.
    The other version I found was on the CD Kyriale (vol. I) by Alberto Turco. I didn't hear his version nor do I have a score, but I'm told it follows the melody of Credo VI, according to the eleventh century manuscript Paris, B.N. lat. 887 from St Martial de Limoges. If someone happens to have score of this version, I would be very pleased to see it!

  • Steven,

    Thanks for posting. I clicked on the Turco Kyriale and found all of these CDs published by Libreria Editrice Vaticana. I went to the site of the latter but could not locate the CDs. Does anyone know how to get them (I have the Naxos recordings already).

  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,001
    The CD is distributed by Ares, but only companies with a VAT identification number can place orders. I'm trying to get the CD through a local music store.

  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,001
    I asked Alberto Turco about the Apostle's Creed, and this is his reply:

    La melodia del Symbolum Apostolorum si trova in un volumetto da me pubblicato, con le melodie semplici gregoriane, per la Messa cantata in latino. Il volume è titolato:

    PSALLITE DOMINO - Canti per la Messa

    e' pubblicato da:

    LIM Editrice

    Via di Arsina, 296/F

    I- 55100 LUCCA Italy

    Cordiali saluti, Alberto Turco

    I'll see if I can get this publication. I'm still trying to get the CD. It isn't easy; I had to ask several sellers until I found one who was willing to attempt to order it from Ares.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,001
    Today I received a copy of Psallite Domino. It has indeed the Apostle's Creed, which follows the melody of Credo VI. It only starts with 'Credo in unum Deum' (Missale Romanum 2002) instead of 'Credo in Deum' (Missale Romanum 2008).

    In the attached file I put the score of the Creed from Psallite Domino (where I adapted the beginning to the words from the Missale Romanum 2008, and I added rhythmic signs), as well as the score of the Creed found in David Hiley's Western plainchant: a handbook (where again I made some adaptations so the text fits the text from the Missale Romanum 2008).

    I also noted that Psallite Domino has all three memorial acclamations. These are slightly different from the ones by Richard Rice. I will post them in a few days.

    (edited September 12) I noticed some small errors in de scores. The improvements are in the second file. - Steven
  • test
  • Thank you SO much!
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    this is truly an amazing forum!
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,001
    Here are, as promised, the three Memorial Acclamations, as they apear in Psallite Domino.

  • Thanks again.
  • Find, please, attached, my "Symbolum Apostolicum" for 2 mixed voices, assembly and organ. The second version is for 4 mixed voices, assembly and organ.

    I am confident that they can serve your repertoire.
    Symbolum Apostolicum.pdf
    Symbolum Apostolicum SATB.pdf