• CatholicZ09
    Posts: 282
    I say it every year, but I can’t believe we’re once again heading into Holy Week. It feels as if it was Ash Wednesday yesterday.

    What’s on the agenda this weekend?

    Processional: All Glory, Laud, and Honor (ST. THEODULPH)
    Psalm: from Respond & Acclaim
    Gospel Acclamation: from Respond & Acclaim
    Offertory: What Wondrous Love is This (WONDROUS LOVE)
    Sanctus: from Mass XVIII
    Mystery: “Mortem tuam…”
    Agnus Dei: from Mass XVIII
    Communion: O Sacred Head, Surrounded (PASSION CHORALE)
    Recessional: Jesus, Remember Me (Taizé/Berthier)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • trentonjconn
    Posts: 600
    St. Aelred Catholic Church
    Bishop, Georgia
    The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

    Principle Mass, 11am
    Ordinary: Englished Mass XVII
    Blessing of Palms and Procession:
    -Hosanna Filio David (GR)
    -Pueri Hebraeorum (Palmer and Burgess)
    -All Glory Laud and Honor
    -Ingrediente (Palmer and Burgess)
    Introit: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Gradual: St. Peter Gradual
    Tract: St. Peter Gradual
    Sung Passion (chant, no polyphonic turba)
    Credo: recto tono, accompanied
    Offertory: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Offertory Hymn: At the Cross Her Station Keeping
    Communion: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Communion Other: Vexilla Regis (chant), Psalm 22 during ablutions
    Recessional: O Sacred Head

    No solo organ.
  • @trentonjconn, can you post your source/ file for the sung passion, Ordinariate lectionary?
    Thanked by 1trentonjconn
  • MarkB
    Posts: 1,056
    Start: ICEL antiphon "Hosanna to the Son of David"
    Entrance: "Lauda Jerusalem" (Decker/Latona)
    Psalm: Collegeville Chant Psalter (Ruff)
    Offertory: "O Sacred Head, Surrounded"
    Sanctus XVIII
    Mystery of Faith ICEL
    Agnus Dei XVIII
    Communion: Vernacular antiphon (Weber iii)
    Communion 2: Ave Verum Corpus chant
    Communion 3: "Keep in Mind" (Deiss)
    Post-Communion: "Adoramus Te, Christe" (Dubois)
    Recessional: "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,075
    Nothing fancy:
    St. Mary Akron TLM
    Mass XVII, Credo I
    Offertory: Panis angelicus (Hymn tune, Hungary 1695)
    Communion: antiphon with verses
    Psalm-toned Gradual and Tract, sorry.
    Recessional: O sacred head surrounded.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,789
    St. David of Wales, Richmond Calif.

    Hosanna filio (…to the son; Catholic Community Hymnal)
    All glory, laud, and honor VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN
    Missa Orbis factor
    My God, why have you abandoned (Parish Book of Psalms)
    Christ for our sake (American Gradual)
    Passion According to Mark (Lassus/Bud Clark)
    O Sacred Head O HAUPT
    Pater si non potest (American Gradual)
    silent dismissal
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • trentonjconn
    Posts: 600
    Laimp, sent you a PM.
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,005
    Cincinnati Oratory / Old St Mary’s Church

    8.45am Sung Latin

    Blessing & Procession - full plainsong
    except Schubert Ingrediente
    Full Propers except p.t. Tract (time to next Mass)
    Mass XVII
    Lotti, Crucifixus
    Victoria, O vos omnes
    Ingegneri, Tenebrae factae sunt
    O sacred Head, surrounded

    11.30am German

    Lob und Ehre sei Dir
    Singt dem König Freudenpsalmen
    Christi Mutter stand mit Schmerzen
    O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden
    O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid

    1pm English

    Latin & English chant propers
    Mass XVIII
    All glory, laud, & honor
    Glory be to Jesus
    O sacred Head, surrounded

    2.30pm Nap
  • CatholicZ09
    Posts: 282
    Mark, are you doing “When I Survey” to HAMBURG or ROCKINGHAM?
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,759
    Palm Sunday 2024 (same as last year)
    Two sets of Male cantors for the Propers and one set of Lady Cantrix? for the Ordinary.

    Blessing of Palms (all Chant sung in full according to the G.R. 1924)
    Asperges mode 7
    ANT. Hosanna filio David.
    GRAD. In Monte Oliveti.
    ANT. Pueri Hebraeorum The two chant versions from the G.R. 1924
    ANT. Pueri Hebraeorum (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
    ANT. Pueri Hebraeorum (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
    ANT. Pueri Hebraeorum (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
    ANT. Pueri Hebraeorum (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
    ANT. Cum audisset
    ANT. Ante sex dies
    ANT. Occurrunt turbae.
    HYMN. Gloria Laus.
    RESP. Ingrediente.

    INT. Domine ne longe.
    KYR. XVII first version
    GRAD. Tenuisti.
    TRACT. Deus deus. (alternated Cantors 1, choir, Cantors 2 etc.)
    PASSION. Victoria setting
    GOSPEL. Solemn ancient tone
    CREDO. I
    OFF. Improperium
    OFF. Hymn Magnum Salutis Gaudium ancient processional hymn for today.
    COM. Crux fidelis compline hymn from 16th c. Salzinnes Antiphonal (scroll down if following link.
    COM. Pater si, Chant setting alternated with the Isaac polyphonic setting, with psalm verses.
    BENE. XVII first version
    Domine Salvum fac (Tonus regalis)
    Marian Anthem. Ave Regina Caelorum, De la Rue.

    A big thank you to CPDL for providing the sheet music for the polyphony.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,043
    It's interesting to scan the historical hymn tune pairings of "When I Survey" at Hymnary, and noticing that, decades after the text started appearing in hymnals, HAMBURG apparently was first paired with it by Lowell Mason by 1864 and that not less than three years after that there's a pairing with ROCKINGHAM.
  • Carol
    Posts: 856

    Like Richard Mix, we are not singing a recessional hymn. "We are departing in silence." I know that this is correct at the conclusion of Holy Thursday Mass, but we have done the same at the end of Palm Sunday since this organist arrived.
    Thanked by 1Liam
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,157
    We have omitted the recessional hymn in the past. I prefer that. It’s too much music, even if you consider that almost all of the additions are on the front end.

    I wish that we could do the tract in full.
  • cholman
    Posts: 7
    St. Gertrude, Cincinnati (Dominican Order):

    Ordinary: Missa XVII, Credo III
    Antiphon: Hosanna filio David, Dominican Chant
    Blessing of Palms: Hosanna to the Son of David, Orlando Gibbons
    Procession outside: All Glory, Laud, and Honor
    Procession when it reaches the church: Pueri Hebraeorum
    Offertory: O Sacred Head, Surrounded
    Motet: Crucifixus, Antonio Lotti
    Communion: Pater, si non potest, Dominican Chant
    Motet (10): Salvator mundi, Herbert Howells
    Motet (12): God So Loved the World, John Stainer
    Recession: [depart in silence]

    10am mass: Parish Choir of 20 volunteers and eight pros
    Noon mass: Schola Cantorum of child trebles and three pros per ATB

    Leaflet is here: www.stgertrude.org/worshipprograms.html
  • Tomorrow afternoon (Palm Sunday) at Walsingham
    we are offering at 4.00pm John Stainer's 'Crucifixion'
    by our own Catholic High School choir,
    and our own Holy House (Home Schooled) High School Choir,
    with solo and support from two men from the Cathedral Choir,
    David Paxton, and John Kearny
  • Diapason84
    Posts: 79
  • ViolaViola
    Posts: 404
    St Mary's Cathedral, Aberdeen UK
    Unfortunately several choir members were absent, having gone home for the Easter break, so no motets.
    Blessing of Palms outside on the car park.
    Hosanna Filio David. Chant from By Flowing Waters.
    Procession outside. Lauda Jerusalem, with psalm verses.
    Entrance to church
    All Glory Laud and Honour fff
    Psalm A G Murray
    Offertory My song is love unknown
    Communion O Godhead hid (tune: Sir Richard Terry)
    Ave Regina Caelorum chant
    Recessional Glory be to Jesus
    Mass of St Anne Sir James MacMillan

  • Very similar lineup to the OP’s, with a couple differences:

    Mission Basilica San Buenaventura, in Ventura, CA

    Hosanna to the Son of David (Weber)
    Entrance: All Glory, Laud, and Honor
    Entrance antiphon: “As the Lord entered the holy city” (Weber)
    Offertory: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Gilbert Martin)
    Sanctus: Casali Mass in G
    Agnus Dei: Casali Mass in G
    9:00: Casali Mass
    Communion Antiphon (Weber)
    Communion Hymn: O Sacred Head Surrounded
    2nd communion: Super Flumina Babylonis (Palestrina)
    Recessional: Jesus, Remember Me (Taizé)
  • redsox1
    Posts: 217
    St. Bernard- Madison, WI

    Hosanna to the Son of David- chant
    All Glory, Laud, and Honor-ST THEODULPH
    Psalm 22- Columba Kelly
    GA- Praise and Honor ORBIS FACTOR, chant verse- Sittard
    Christus Factus Est- Bruckner
    Mass XVIII/Roman Missal in Latin, SATB setting of Agnus Dei by Sittard
    Father, If This Cup May Not Pass- Nestor
    Stabat Mater (mvt.1)- Pergolesi
    O Sacred Head Surrounded-PASSION CHORALE
    Herzlich tut much verlangen BWV 727- Bach
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,043
    Sts. Cyril and Methodius Oratory, Bridgeport, Connecticut (ICKSP)

    No solo organ music

    Antiphon: Hosanna Filio David - Victoria (arr. SAS)

    Procession chants: Cum appropinquaret Dominus, etc.;

    At the entrance to the church: Gloria, laus et honor - chant, mode i
    Ingrediente Domino - chant, mode ii

    Proper Gregorian chants of the day: Domine, ne longe facias

    Mass Ordinary: Mass XVII (with Kyrie "A" for Lent); Credo I

    Motet at the Offertory: Christus factus est - Baldassare Sartori (18th cent.; attr. Anerio)

    Motets at the Communion: Hoc corpus - Melchor Robledo (+ 1586)
    O Jesu Christe - Jacquet of Mantua (+1559)

    Marian antiphon: Ave regina cœlorum (simple tone) - chant, mode vi

    Hymn: O Sacred Head - PASSION CHORALE
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,818
    St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo

    • Hosanna Filio David & Pueri Hebræorum
    All Glory, Laud, & Honor, sung to Dan Miller's delightful organ arrangement: https://youtu.be/J86GZMz-bk0?si=j7guZz5jWjublct-
    • Psalm 22 arranged by yours truly https://youtu.be/JHD16W1H84c?si=gLie2CGum1JvfLY_
    • Lenten Gospel Acclamation (based on Kyrie Orbis Factor) https://youtu.be/-saX3_MJ5kA?si=wOXzhF5Jm5nT4w-K
    • Offertory Antiphon "responsorial motet" (text of the Improperium as originally set as a motet, but then expanded from this recording to make a refrain for the people (soprano line) which was harmonized in motet style by the choir, with organ accompaniment, and cantored verses. It worked surprisingly well. https://youtu.be/AVWQj2u5FPo?si=QucyyvsQAbBcxer0 )
    • Missa XVII
    Pater Si Non Potest (from Communio with english verses, with occasional repeats of the antiphon sung in english as set by Palmer/Burgess)
    Stricken, Smitten & Afflicted to the Pergolesi "God of mercy and compassion tune"
    • Post Communion: Passion Chorale
    • Recessional: The Head that Once Was Crowned with Thorns is Crowned with Glory Now (Detroit)
    Thanked by 3tomjaw CHGiffen Viola
  • St. Vincent de Paul, Elkhart, IN (NO)

    Hosanna filio David (Latin and ICEL)
    Hosanna (Taize) for processions
    All Glory, Laud and Honor
    Guimont psalm
    Latona Gospel Acclamation
    Passion according to GIA, with simple turba choruses by yours truly
    Lalemont offertory
    Ride On, Ride On in Majesty
    anthems: Adoramus te Chrise (Dubois), Thy Matchess Love (Fedak)
    Missa Jubilate Deo, Pater noster
    S&S communion chant
    anthem: Christus factus est (Anerio)
    O Sacred Head Surrounded
    BWV 727
    Thanked by 2Viola CHGiffen
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 432
    All Souls, Sanford, FL

    10:00 Principal Mass with Solemn Entrance

    Introit: Fanfare for Palm Sunday (Proulx)
    Procession: All Glory, Laud, and Honor
    Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 22 (Frisina, adapt. Leferink)
    Gospel Acclamation: from Responde y Aclama (English version)
    Offertory: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Martin)
    Sanctus/Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Communion: Thy Will Be Done/Psalm 116 (Thacher) + O bone Jesu (Ingegneri)
    Recessional: Were You There
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen