custos in Chants Abreges
  • -b
    Posts: 55
    Does anyone know to what the custos refers at the beginning of the chants in Chants Abreges? For the Gradual one could guess that it is related to the chanting of the Epistle. But the Alleluia has a custos that I can't always compute to be referring to the end of the Gradual that precedes it. See, for example, p. 79 Gradual and Alleluia for X. Dimanche apres Pentecote.
    I see no explanation in the book.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    I believe they follow Pothier's example of putting a custos on the reciting tone of the mode
  • -b
    Posts: 55
    Thanks so much, Jeffrey. That seems to explain it exactly!
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > they follow Pothier's example of putting a custos on the reciting tone of the mode

    Yes: you can check that in 1883 Pothier's Graduale.