Beginner Level TTB Polyphonic motets and Masses suggestions
  • Our schola numbers around 6-8 men during Sunday TLMs and I've been considering to teach them some basic polyphony, preferably TTB since our numbers and expertise would not suffice for 4 voices. I've taught them Perosi's O Salutaris Hostia, Allen's Ave Sacer Christi, Palestrina Jesu Rex Admirabilis, and the like. We haven't accomplished a full-on polyphonic Mass yet; we attempted to do Lotti's Missa Brevis but it turned out to be too difficult for us.
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,318
    I recommend Christoph Dalitz's Missa Tribus Vocibus in its TTB arrangement
  • Christoph Dalitz's Missa Tribus Vocibus

    I second that!
    Thanked by 1irishtenor
  • WGS
    Posts: 300
    I recommend Secunda anthologia vocalis, Op.66 (Ravanello, Oreste). I don't know if there is currently a printed version of this anthology, but CPDL has a detailed listing sorted by composer and title. The anthology is arranged for 3-equal voices which in some cases is a transcription of a composition originally written for more voices.

    As to masses, personally I would prefer to concentrate on the seasonal chant masses.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,182
    The above recommendations are all quite good. To add to the mix, here is my Gustate et videte (Communion Antiphon, with Psalm verses, for Dominca VIII post Pentecosten). The Antiphon is a three-part (TBarB) canon (the second entry is at a fifth above the first entry, and the third entry is at unison with the first entry), and the verses are in Mode III (three-part harmonized) chant.

    Giffen-Gustate et videte TBB.mp3
    Giffen-Gustate et videte TBB.pdf
  • CGM
    Posts: 692
    There are thirty-four mostly brief TTB motets in Lindusky's Tricinia Sacra collection, online here. Motets cover the whole church year; composed by Victoria, Palestrina, and Festa.
  • FSSPmusic
    Posts: 276
    I second the Ravanello collection. This Casciolini Missa brevis might fit your needs:
  • CHGiffen's post above reminded me of this setting of Gustate by Giovanni Matteo Asola that works quite nicely.
    Asola Gustate.pdf
    Thanked by 1rich_enough
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,086
    For 3 part men, look at Francesco Feroci and his student G.M. Matucci on CPDL. Good moderate ranges, parts not difficult though definitely polyphonic. There's a Mass edited too, but that might be more of a challenge. I'd also consider some more modern two-equal Mass settings with organ.
  • You might check out Eugene Lindusky’s Tricinia.

    Also, Aristotle E. Has an arrangement of Asola’s masses and motets that are pretty good, too.
  • Thank you all for your kind suggestions! Our schola is currently rehearsing the Dalitz Tribus Vocibus :)

    If I may, can anyone suggest a Requiem Mass in three voices, TTB preferably?
  • Chaswjd
    Posts: 266

    Dalitz wrote a two part Requiem Aeternam for both the Introit and Graduale. They are on CPDL. There is an interesting on on ISMPL by Neukomm for organ and two part choir. The two parts, however, never sing harmony. It is essentially unison work were only part of the choir sings if the line goes to high or low. Here is a version with orchestra accompaniment.
  • @theCebuano_Child03

    A TTB Requiem Mass is a project I have been trying to cobble together for the past couple of months. I am trying to find the nicest (which is rather subjective I suppose) TTB settings of the Ordinary, Propers, and extra motets. If you'd like I can share the feeble attempts I've made so far, and if anyone can point me toward better settings, I would be very happy to incorporate them. But if you want something very polished, and all by the same composer, I'm afraid I don't have anything right now. I am finding various bits of polyphony which can alternate with and supplement the chant.

    As a side note, the Tribus Vocibus Mass is so nice. Definitely my favorite Ordinary for three voices.
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,086
    can anyone suggest a Requiem Mass in three voices, TTB preferably?

    I wrote one, which is at cpdl. Which seems to be down right now.
  • m_r_taylor
    Posts: 323 Nicholas Lemme has written a lot of TTB stuff which pair beautifully with the traditional chants. Some of it is technically quite straightforward.

    The late Ryan Dingess has several TTB works. I downloaded them from his public musicasacra forum posts and can message you the collection to save you the time.
    Thanked by 1theCebuano_Child03
  • I don't know how to @Jeffery Quick but I hope he sees this comment haha. Do you happen to have a recording or a midi file of the Requiem Mass that I could listen to? Thank you! :)