Chant for the St Andrews Christmas Novena
  • veromaryveromary
    Posts: 162
    Someone asked me to record this:
    St Andrew Christmas Novena on Scribd

    Salve et beata hora et momento, in quo Filius Dei natus est de purissima Maria Virgine in media nocte, in Bethlehem, in frigu penetrabili. In illa hora, dignare, Deus meus, audire precem meam et tribue desideria mea, (intention mentioned here...) Per merita Jesu Christi et ejus sanctissimae Matris. Amen.

    No source given, but the PDF is uploaded by Gerry Davila. I can't find any more reference to this translation via internet search. The chant isn't on Gregobase. The Latin follows the English so closely, it must be a translation from the English, I think.

    Looks like I can hotlink the image of the music here

    Frustrating that scribd won't let me download the PDF to check the document properties, and no apparent way to contact the uploader or comment on the file.