Volunteers for a Men's Schola for Holy Week in Kansas
  • CharlesSA
    Posts: 165
    Hello everyone,

    Perhaps this is a very long shot, but this is one of the few places I'll try to "recruit."

    There is a women's convent moving to Fort Scott, KS who will be celebrating the Holy Week rites according to the pre-1955 liturgical books. I am helping to arrange some things musically for them, and she wondered if I would be able to put together a men's schola to help them out some. Is there anyone somewhat near southeast Kansas who would be willing to look into this and help out?

    To be respectful of the local Bishop's wishes, unfortunately these will likely not be open to the public but of course anyone who came to sing and their families would be welcome. Please message me for details (not many right now)...and if no one here is available, but you know any men who would be, please message me as well and I will be happy to give my contact info. There almost certainly would be no form of payment - the most that would happen is possibly covering some gas/travel costs, and lodging could likely be arranged with some locals if needed (and if that were the case, they probably would request little to no payment, although I am sure anything freely offered would be appreciated).

    Thank you for your help...continued Christmas blessings to you all!
  • CharlesSA
    Posts: 165
    The only thing I can think of to add at the moment, after some more thought, is to specify that I myself am very familiar with the chants and would be directing, and that anyone who would be able to come would need to be already somewhat familiar also with the chants, and/or be comfortable practicing mostly on their own. There would likely be very little in the way of "rehearsal" until the week of, as almost everyone that would be a part of the Schola (including myself) do not live there.