All Four Pending Liturgical Items Pass; Work On The Translation Of The New Roman Missal Continues
WASHINGTON—All four liturgical item actions whose votes were inconclusive at the June general assembly of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops are now approved. Support for the action items continues the work for the English translation of the new Roman Missal for use in the United States.
The deadline for the submission of ballots was July 16. These items require two-thirds (163) votes of Latin Church members for to pass, and subsequent recognition by the Holy See.
The translation of the Order of Mass II (of the Roman Missal) received 191 votes in favor, 25 against and five abstentions.
The translation of the Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Intentions passed by 163 votes, while 53 bishops voted against it and five abstained.
The translation of the rituals for Votive Masses and Masses for the Dead passed 181 to 32 with two abstentions.
And the translation of the text for Ritual Masses received 186 votes in favor, 32 nays and two abstentions...
It would be of interest to know who voted against it, aside from may be apocryphal, but I understand he blocked the local TLM by having a meeting over it at which he entered, began speaking and, when he finished, he asked what they thought about what he said....and they responded by saying they could not understand a word he said.
"That's because I was speaking Latin." was his punch line.
And gosh....absentions?
Here's a routine reminder: Be principled not polemical.
I had heard a rumor that the Vatican had had enough of the U.S. bishops endless wrangling over the translations. The story was that Rome intended to publish an English revised missal with or without the U.S. bishops. I can't know whether or not any of that is true, but something seems to have built a fire under them.
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