Christmas 2023
  • What’s on the agenda for you this Christmas regarding the music list and Mass schedule? What’s your latest Mass time for the Fourth Sunday of Advent?

    For my home parish (OF) -
    Final Fourth Sunday of Advent Mass @ 10:30 a.m.

    Christmas -
    Sunday evening @ 4:00 and 7:00; Monday morning @ 10:00

    Processional: O Come, All Ye Faithful (ADESTE FIDELES)
    Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
    Psalm: Today Our Savior is Born (J. Cortez)
    Alleluia: Festival Alleluia (J. Chepponis)
    Offertory: Hark! the Herald Angels Sing (MENDELSSOHN)
    Holy: A Community Mass (R. Proulx)
    Mystery: “When we eat…” (R. Proulx)
    Amen: A Community Mass (R. Proulx)
    Lamb of God: Good Shepherd Mass (O. Alstott)
    Communion: O Little Town of Bethlehem (ST. LOUIS)
    Meditation: Silent Night (STILLE NACHT)
    Recessional: Joy to the World! (ANTIOCH)
  • The Cincinnati Oratory / Old St. Mary's Catholic Church
    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Last Advent IV Mass, English Mass at 1pm

    7.30am read Mass on Christmas Morning
    No singing, organ music

    Christmas Sung Masses with Choir & Parish Orchestra (Midnight & 9.30am)

    Carol Service (Midnight only):
    Corelli, Christmas Concerto mvts. 1-5
    Gjeilo, Spotless Rose
    O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is
    All My Heart This Night Rejoices
    In the Bleak Mid-Winter
    Es ist ein Ros entsprungen

    O Come, All Ye Faithful
    Gregorian Proper
    Byrd, Mass for Five Voices
    Praetorius, Quempas
    Corelli, Pastorale ad libitum
    Victoria, O magnum mysterium
    Puer natus in Bethlehem (Midnight)
    Corde natus ex parentis (9.30)
    Palestrina, Alma Redemptoris
    Stille Nacht
    Joy to the World

    German Mass (11.30am)
    mit Blasskapelle der Cincinnati deutschen Vereinsmusikanten

    Nun freut euch, ihr Christen
    Kyrie, Leopold-Messe
    Dir Gott im Himmel Preis und Ehir
    In dulci jubilo
    O du froehliche
    O du Lamm Gottes
    Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
    Stille Nacht
    Ihr Kindelein kommet
    Heilgste Nacht

    English Mass (1pm)

    Chant Propers in Latin & English
    Jubilate Deo Ordinary
    O Come, All Ye Faithful
    Alma Redemptoris Mater, simple tone
    Silent Night
    Lo, How a Rose
    Joy to the World

    Organ music:

    Wilbur Held, Divinum mysterium
    Dom Paul Benoit, Elevation No. 28
    Th. Dubois, Sortie

    and much more, including copious improvisations

  • St. Aelred, Bishop GA (Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter)

    Last Mass for Advent IV is at 11:00am


    Mass in the Night, 9:00pm
    Prelude of carols begins at 8:30pm

    Ordinaries: Englished Mass IX (Communion Service Four)
    Prelude: Le Crèche, Guilmant
    Blessing of creche, sung Christmas proclamation
    Procession: O Come, All Ye Faithful (trumpet plays descant on v. 3)
    Introit: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Gradual: St. Peter Gradual
    Alleluia: St. Peter Gradual
    Verset on "Ein Kind Geboren zu Bethlehem" during gospel procession, Purcell fanfare as altar party returns to the chancel
    Credo: recto tono, accompanied
    Offertory: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Offertory Motet: Ave Maria, Arcadelt
    Communion: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Communion Other:
    - Silent Night during ablutions
    Recessional: Hark, the Herald Angels Sing (trumpet on descant and Willcocks organ reharm v. 3)
    Postlude: BWV 729 "In Dulci Jubilo"

    Christmas Day, 10:00am

    Ordinaries: Englished Mass IX (Communion Service Four)
    Prelude: Offertoire sur "Les Anges Dans Nos Campagnes", Montber
    Procession: Angels We Have Heard on High
    Introit: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Gradual: St. Peter Gradual
    Alleluia: St. Peter Gradual
    Credo: recto tono, accompanied
    Offertory: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Offertory Hymn: Good Christian Men, Rejoice
    Communion: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Communion Other:
    - improv
    Recessional: Joy to the World
    Postlude: final movement of Noël X, Daquin
  • As the organist, I'll be playing:
    - In dulci jubilo, BWV 729
    - Puer natus, BuxWV 217
    - Dom Gregory Murray interludes on Mass VIII and Alma Redemptoris
    - Postlude Cantique - Dubois
    - Lots of subpar improv
  • St. Mary, Akron OH
    Vigil of Christmas 1PM (no Advent IV in TLM)
    Processional: On Jordan's bank
    Mass XVII. Credo III
    Full Gregorian Proper
    At Offertory: Beata Progenies (Leonel Power)
    At Communion: Veni Emmanuel 2pt organal version
    Recessional: Silent night recessional

    Christmas Day: no Mass (Parish TLM, the Grinch stole it)

    I'm personally helping out at the Latin OF Midnight Mass at St. Paul's Akron

    Psallite (Praetorius/Robinson)
    Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle (arr. Walters)
    Gaudete (arr. Batastini)
    Puer natus in Bethlehem
    Ave Maria ("Arcadelt")

    Processional: Adeste Fideles
    Gregorian propers (Psalm-toned verse for Gradual)
    Mass VIII, Credo III
    At Offertory: Quem pastores (Praetorius), Corde nattes ex parentis
    At Communion: Jesu Redemptor omnium
    Alma redemptoris mater
    Recessional: Joy to the world.
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen
  • davido
    Posts: 975
    Last Advent mass 9:30am

    5pm Childrens choirs
    5:15pm brass ensemble (gym)
    7:30 adult choir and handbell choir
    Midnight, select choir and brass
    8am cantor and piano
    10:00am cantor and organ

    Mass of St Francis - Buchholz (Midnight, Mass of St Philip Neri - Jernberg)

    Source and Summit Psalmody

    Break forth O Beauteous Heavenly light
    Sing song merrily on high
    In the bleak midwinter - Darke
    Love came down at Christmas - Barry rose

    Children’s choir:
    Sing a glad Noel - Lightfoot
    Sussex Carol - Vaughan Williams
    Sleepers Wake - Bach
    Kyrie VIII
    Agnus Dei, Mass of St Therese - Willan
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • redsox1
    Posts: 217
    St. Bernard Parish (soon to be cathedral!) Madison, WI

    Christmas-Mass during the Night

    St. Bernard Choir, Chamber Orchestra


    Pifa (from Messiah)-Handel
    In Dulci Jubilo-Buxtehude
    God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen-arr. Willcocks
    In Dulci Jubilo-Dupre (organ)
    Alma Redemptoris Mater-Palestrina
    Mary's Magnificat-Carter
    There Were Shepherds, And Lo, And Suddenly, Glory to God (from Messiah)-Handel
    In the Bleak Midwinter-Darke

    Christmas Proclamation

    Procession to Creche: Silent Night

    Processional: O Come All Ye Faithful-Willcocks
    Introit: Source and Summit

    Kyrie: Mass VIII

    Gloria: Missa in C -Buhler (a very charming little Gloria!)

    Psalm: Today Is Born Our Savior-Brubaker

    Gospel Acc.: Vulpius Alleluia, verse: adapted from Mozart Messe K220 Gloria-JES

    Prep. of Gifts: Tollite Hostias-Saint Saens
    Carol: Joy to the World (arr. Rutter)

    Community Mass-Proulx

    Agnus Dei: Mass VIII

    Communion Antiphon (text from Graduale simplex used at all Masses): All the Ends of the Earth-Sittard
    Procession: O Little Town of Bethlehem-(St. Louis, Willcocks)
    Motet: O Magnum Mysterium-Victoria

    Recessional: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing-Willcocks

    Postlude: Carillon de Westminster-Vierne

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,798
    Christmas eve 11am Mass
    Asperges, first version
    Propers: Graduale Romanum 1924
    Mass XVII (Second Kyrie)
    Credo II
    Offertory motet. Veni Veni Emmanuel (in correct verse order)
    Communion motet Veni Redemptor (Dominican chant)
    Communion Motet Veni Redemptor gentium, Jacob Handl
    Domine Salvum Fac third melody
    Alma Redemptoris Mater, Simple tone.

    Midnight Mass
    Entrance. Gaudete! Christus natus est
    INT. Dominus dixit, Graduale Romanum 1924
    KYR. Missa Brevis, Palestrina
    GLO. Missa Brevis, Palestrina
    GRD. Tecum principium, Graduale Romanum 1924
    ALL. Dominus dixit ad me, Graduale Romanum 1924
    CRD. Missa Brevis, Palestrina
    OFF. Laetentur, Graduale Romanum 1924
    Off Motet. Quem Patores laudavere
    SAN. Missa Brevis, Palestrina
    BEN. Missa Brevis, Palestrina
    AGN. Missa Brevis, Palestrina
    COM. In Splendoribus, Graduale Romanum 1924
    COM motet. Puer Natus in Bethlehem
    COM motet. Virgini Mariae laudes (Former sequence)
    Processional hymn (to the Crib) Adeste fideles
    Martyrology (traditional words)
    Alma Redemptoris Mater, Palestrina

    Day Mass to come
  • Last Mass of Advent was at 10am:
    Processional - Veni Veni Emmanual chant
    Full Propers for Vigil of the Nativity
    Mass XVII, Credo I, standard mode seven Asperges Me
    Offertory - Victoria's Ave Maria (they always do this on the fourth Sunday of advent, I don't know if the choir director realized the Offertory antiphon wasn't going to be Ave Maria this year)
    Communion - Van Nuffel's Pater Noster, Kevin Allen's Ave Sacer, Victoria's Jesu Dulcis, O Sanctissima (Traditional Sicilian Melody)
    Simple Alma
    Recessional - O come Divine Messiah

    Midnight Mass:
    Carols with the choir for an hour starting at 11
    Adeste Fideles during procession to Manger and then to Altar
    Full Propers
    Victoria's O Magnum Mysterium Mass (including Credo)
    Offertory - Victoria's O Magnum Mysterium motet
    Communion - Sicut Cervus, Franck's Panis Angelicus, Handl's O Salutaris, Lawrence's O Sacrum Convivium
    Palestrina's Alma Redemptoris Mater
    Joy to the world

    Mass at Dawn:
    Full Propers
    Pre Introit - Puer Natus in Bethlehem
    Mass IX, Credo I
    Offertory antiphon and then Verse 1 (no incense at this Mass)
    Communion antiphon with verses while everyone receives, and then Laetabundus during ablutions
    Simple Alma
    Recessional - Corde Natus ex Parentis

    Between Masses me and one of the other guys chanted Resonet in Laudibus and Personent Hodie for good measure

    Day Mass:
    Full Propers
    Pre Introit - Ecce Nomen Domini Emmanual
    Mass II, Credo I
    Offertory antiphon and then Verse 1 (if we had gone a bit brisker we would have had time for Verse 2 also)
    Communion antiphon with verses while everyone receives, and then Puer Natus in Bethlehem during ablutions
    Solemn Alma
    Recessional - Laetabundus

    Also some mediocre organ playing of various Christmas chants, especially Hodie Christus Natus Est. I faked it the best I could.
    Tui Sunt - Draft 1.pdf
    Deus Enim - Draft 1.pdf
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    Here we go again!

    St David of Wales Catholic Church
    11:30 PM December 24, 2023

    A Christmas Nachtmusik
    before Midnight Mass

    William Byrd: Puer natus est
    anon. c. 1555 Un niño nos es naçido
    The Gregorian melody of the Introit for Christmas Day is used to begin a Spanish carol. The setting by William Byrd (c.1540-1623) was printed in his Gradualia II (1607): “For unto us a child is born, a son is given: the government is upon his shoulder and his name shall be called Angel of Great Council.”

    Pomponio Nenna: Hodie caelorum rex
    Roland de Lassus: Consolamini popule meus
    Constanzo Porta: Hodie nobis de coelo pax
    These three anthems are from the Office of Matins for Christmas. Lassus (or as he called himself in Rome, Orlando di Lasso, 1532?-1594) sets a substantial Lesson from Isaiah 40 “Comfort ye my people…” which is framed by the shorter reponsories.

    Ann Callaway: Gloria in excelsis
    Ann Callaway is one of tonight’s singers and has composed a mass over this past year, from which we sing “Glory be to God in the highest…”

    At Midnight Mass (Missa Salve & Gloria De angelis)

    Proclamation of Christmas
    Entrance Hymn Adeste fidelis/O Come all ye faithful (hymnal 202)
    Offertory: Byrd: Dies sanctificatus / Tui sunt
    Communion: In spendoribus sanctorum mode vi
    Communion hymns: Lo how a rose (hymnal 217) Silent night (204)
    Recessional Hymn: Hark the herald angels (hymnal 209)

    Schola Cetatus (‘of the whales’; not even the composer of Saint David’s Latin gregorian chants could resist the pun) consists of Ann Callaway, Ben Rudiak-Gould, Jordan Fong and Richard Mix.
  • The Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham
    Midnight Mass

    A Prelude of Carols

    'Once in Royal David's City' - Irby, Descant, Willcocks
    Hodie, Christus Natus Est - L-N Clerambault
    'While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night' - Winchester Old
    'Sussex Carol' - arr., David Willcocks
    'O Little Town of Bethlehem' - Forest Green, Descant, Willcocks

    Midnight Mass

    Proclamation of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Sung)

    At the Procession - 'O Come, All Ye Faithful' - Adeste Fideles, arr., David Willcocks
    Introit - Dominus Dixit - Mode II (Palmer-Burgess)

    Kyrie - Mass of the Quiet Hour - George Oldroyd
    Gloria - Mass of St Mary Magdalena - Healey Willan

    Psalm XCVI - Cantate Domino - Chant, Henry George Ley
    Alleluia and Verse - Dominus dixit ad me - Mode VIII (P-B)

    Nicene Creed - Recto tono

    Offertory Antiphon - Laetentur caeli - Mode IV (P-B)
    Anthem - 'A Child is Born in Bethlehem' - Leo Nestor

    Sanctus - Mass IX, Cum Jubilo - Mode V (Latin)
    Agnus Dei - Mass IX, Cum Jubilo - Mode V (Latin)

    Communion Antiphon - In splendoribus - Mode VI (P-B)
    Anthem - O Magnum Mysterium - T L da Victoria
    Hymn - 'What Child is This?' - Greensleeves
    Hymn - 'Silent Night, Holy Night' - Stille Nacht (Sung by candle light)

    Recessional Hymn - 'Joy to the World' - Antioch - Descant, Anonymous
    Organ Voluntary - In dulci jubilo (BWV 729) - J S Bach

  • Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Denver CO
    6:30pm Christmas Evening Mass with Gaudium Verum

    Latin Novus Ordo

    Allegro from Corelli's Christmas Concerto

    PROCESSIONAL - Introit - Puer Natus est
    Kyriale - VIII
    Gradual - Viderunt Omnes
    Alleluia - Dies sanctificatus
    Credo - III

    Chant - Tui Sunt Caeli
    Adeste Fideles (Willcocks organ harmonization) and/or
    Quem Pastores Laudavere (R.V.W.)

    Chant - viderunt Omnes
    O magnum mysterium (Victoria)
    Corde natus est parentis (Wohlgemuth)

    Alma Redemptoris Mater (simple tone)
    Hark the Herald Angels Sing

    Medley on Christmas Themes (Joy to the World; In Dulci Jubilo; and Adeste Fideles)
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    St David of Wales, Richmond Calif.
    Dec. 25 11:00 Choral Mass (Missa Salve; American Gradual)
    Angels we have heard
    Off. Tavener: Today the Virgin Comes to the Cave (2/3's our usual number)
    Viderunt omnes fines / O little town of Bethlehem
    Joy to the world
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    St. Joseph, Macon Ga.
    St. Joseph Choir
    Schola Cantorum
    Guest soloists
    Guest brass.

    Music Prelude at 11:15

    In Splendoribus chant
    Selections for the Orgelbuchlien Bach
    The Prophecy - Powell
    Ave Maria - Rheinberger
    There is no Rose - Med. - Anon. (solo trio)
    Adam Lay Y Bounden - Hamilton
    Organ improvisation on Adeste Fidelis
    Magnificat - Praetorious
    Ecce Virgo - organ setting by Hamilton

    O Come All ye Faithful - Proulx arr. with brass
    Kyrie Jubilate
    Gloria - from Schubert Mass in G
    Psalm Today is Born... Hamilton
    Celtic Alleluia
    Angels we Have Heard with brass arr. Hamilton
    Mem.Acc. Amen Agnus...Jubilate Mass
    Communion chant
    Communion Motet: Ave Regina Caelorum - Lotti
    Silent Night
    Joy to the World with brass
    Postlude: Improvisation on Antioch.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    We were pleased, the church was full for the Midnight Mass.
  • Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church
    Montgomery, Texas
    The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

    Christmas Mass in the Night

    Carol Prelude
    Lo How a Rose - Praetorius
    God Rest Ye Merry, Gentleman - free organ accompaniment
    Angels We Have Heard on High - free organ accompaniment
    All My Heart This Night Rejoices
    Good Christian Men Rejoice
    Personent Hodie (arr. Holst)
    Corde Natus
    There is No Rose (Phillip Stopford)

    Propers - from The Saint Peter Gradual
    Ordinary - Communion Service in E (Collegium Regale), Darke, Merbecke Creed

    Christmas Proclamation - Tonus Solemnior
    Processional Hymn - Adeste Fideles, arr. Willcocks
    Offertory Anthem - Sussex Carol, Arr. Willcocks
    Communion Hymn - O Little Town of Bethlehem
    Communion Anthems - In the Bleak Midwinter, Darke
    Post-Communion -
    O Magnum Mysterium, Lauridsen
    Silent Night
    Closing Hymn - Hark, The Herald Angels Sing, Arr. Willcocks
    Postlude: In Dulce Jubilo, BWV 729
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,798
    Christmas Day Mass
    INT. Puer Natus, Isaac setting
    KYR. Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler
    GLO. Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler
    GRD. Viderunt omnes, Graduale Romanum 1924
    ALL. Dies sanctificatus, Graduale Romanum 1924
    CRD. Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler
    OFF. Tui sunt, Graduale Romanum 1924
    Off Motet. Laetabundus (former sequence)
    SAN. Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler
    BEN. Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler
    AGN. Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler
    COM. Viderunt omnes, Graduale Romanum 1924
    COM motet. Christe Redemptor omnium (Dominican hymn)
    COM motet. O Magnum mysterium, Tomás Luis de Victoria
    Alma Redemptoris Mater, Francisco Guerrero
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,051
    Sts. Cyril and Methodius Oratory, Bridgeport, Connecticut (ICKSP)

    First Mass of Christmas - Mass at Midnight
    Carols Before Mass
    Angels We Have Heard on High
    Holst – In the Bleak Midwinter
    Let Our Gladness Have No End – Slovak carol
    God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
    There is No Rose – medieval carol
    Psallite unigenito - Praetorius
    Lulla, Lullaby, My Sweet little Baby (refrain only) - Byrd
    Silent Night

    Organ Prelude: In dulci jubilo - Buxtehude

    Hymn: Adeste, Fideles

    Proper Gregorian chants of the feast: Dominus dixit ad me

    Mass Ordinary: Missa Brevis - Palestrina
    Credo III with ":Et incarnatus est" from Lassus - Missa Pilons l'orge

    Motet at the Offertory: Dies sanctificatus - Byrd

    Motets at the Communion: Jubilate Deo . .. cantate - Hassler
    O magnum mysterium - Victoria

    Antiphon to Our Lady: Alma Redemptoris Mater (simple tone)

    Hymn: Joy to the World

    Organ Postlude: In dulci jubilo, BWV 729- Bach

    Third Mass of Christmas - Mass During the Day
    organ music as above

    Hymn: Angels We Have Heard on High

    Proper Gregorian chants of the feast: Puer natus est

    Mass Ordinary: Missa Dixit Maria - Hassler
    Credo III as above

    Motet at the Offertory: Resonet in laudibus - Hassler

    Motet at the Communion: O magnum mysterium - Victoria

    Hymn: Adeste, fideles with veneration of Jesu Bambino

    @tomjaw - I noticed we did the same Mass settings (Palestrina and Hassler) for Midnight and Day.
  • bhcordovabhcordova
    Posts: 1,168
    At Midnight Mass we had the Proclamation chanted. Followed by the chanted Entrance Antiphon. The Offetory was chanted. The Communion Antiphon was chanted. Joy to the World was the recessional. The priest chanted almost the entire Mass.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,798
    @tomjaw - I noticed we did the same Mass settings (Palestrina and Hassler) for Midnight and Day.

    An interesting coincidence, I rather like the Palestrina Missa Brevis, the peels of bells that seem to run through parts of it are quite Christmassy. The Choir voted for the Dixit Maria, even though we sang it for the 3rd Sunday of Advent.

    We banned Credo III along time ago ... We sang Mass VIII for the feast of the Holy Innocents, it was the first time we sang it for two years. I programme it for feasts of the Angels that are not first class.

    Hear is the more of our Christmas week programme...

    Feast of St. John E.F.
    INT. In medio (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    KY. Mass IV
    GLO. Mass IV
    GRD. Exiit sermo (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    ALL. Hic est discipulis (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    CRD. Credo I
    OFF. Justus et Palma (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    Off motet. Hymn, Amore Christi nobilis
    SAN. Mass IV
    BEN. Mass IV
    AGN. Mass IV
    COM. Exiit sermo (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    Com motet. Hymn, Exsultet caelum laudibus (Christmas melody)
    Marian Anthem. Alma Redemptoris, Simple tone

    Feast of the Holy Innocents
    INT. Ex ore infantium (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    KY. Mass VIII
    GRD. Anima nostra (Psalm toned)
    TRACT. Effuderunt (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    CRD. Credo II
    OFF. Anima nostra (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    Off motet. Hymn Audit tyrannus anxius (Christmas melody)
    SAN. Mass VIII
    BEN. Mass VIII
    AGN. Mass VIII
    COM. Vox in Rama (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    COM. Motet. Salvete flores martyrum
    Marian Anthem. Alma Redemptoris, Simple tone

    12noon Solemn High Mass, with 3 clergy in choir. All diocesan! St. Thomas of Canterbury is the Patron of the secular Clergy in England, so they always meet and celebrate today.

    INT. Gaudeamus (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    KY. Missa O quam gloriosum, Victoria
    GLO. Missa O quam gloriosum, Victoria
    GRD. Ecce Sacerdos (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    ALL. Ego Sum Pastor bonus (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    CRD. Missa O quam gloriosum, Victoria
    OFF. Posuisti Domine (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    Off motet. O quam gloriosum, Victoria
    SAN. Missa O quam gloriosum, Victoria
    BEN. Missa O quam gloriosum, Victoria
    AGN. Missa O quam gloriosum, Victoria
    COM. Ego Sum Pastor Bonus (Sung in full from the G.R.)
    Com motet. Adsis Thoma (Office Hymn for the Feast)
    Marian Anthem. Alma Redemptoris, Palestrina.

    A special thanks for CPDL for providing editions of all our polyphonic settings.
  • Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church, Jordan, MN

    All Chants from Source and Summit unless noted otherwise, Creed I in English throughout:

    4pm Vigil Mass (Children's Schola and huge attendance this year)
    Prelude In Dulci Jubilo (Dupre) - organ
    Of the Father’s Love Begotten (Held) - organ

    Entrance Hymn - Wake, Awake for Night is Flying
    Introit Chant: - “Today you will know that the Lord will come”
    Gloria - Mass in honor of St. Thomas More
    Psalm - Psalm 89 “Forever I will sing…”
    Alleluia - Source and Summit
    Offertory Chant - “O princes, lift high your gates”
    Lift Up Your Heads, You Mighty Gates
    Sanctus - Mass in honor of St. Thomas More
    Memorial Acclamation - Mass in honor of St. Thomas More
    Agnus Dei - Mass in honor of St. Thomas More
    Communion Chant - “The glory of the Lord will be revealed”
    Of the Father’s Love Begotten
    It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
    Following Communion - Veni, Veni Emanuel (2 part Setting for Bella Voce)
    Hymn - O Come, All Ye Faithful
    Postlude BWV 729: In Dulci Jubilo (organ)

    10pm Mass During the Night:
    Prelude (9:30pm)
    Shepherds, Awake! (Davis)
    What Child is This?
    Dominus Dixit Ad Me (McMahon)
    The Snow Lay on the Ground
    Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming (Praetorius)
    Hark the Herald Angels Sing
    Silent night

    10pm Christmas Proclamation

    Entrance Hymn - O come, all ye faithful
    Introit - Graduale Romanum Chant Dominus Dixit ad me
    Gloria - Missa de Angelis
    Psalm - SSM Psalm 96 “Today is born our Savior”
    Alleluia - Source and Summit
    Offertory Chant - “Let the Heavens Rejoice”
    Angels We Have Heard on High
    Sanctus - Missa de Angelis
    Memorial Acclamation - ICEL Mass
    Agnus Dei - Missa de Angelis
    Communion Chant - “In the Splendor of the Holy Ones"
    Of the Father’s Love Begotten
    It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
    Following Communion - O Magnum Mysterium (Victoria)
    Hymn - Joy to the world
    Postlude BWV 729: In Dulci Jubilo - organ

    9am Day Mass was very similar to the Night Mass, with the Weber Mass in Honor of Saint Thomas More as the Ordinary.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    MAN what a bunch of stick in the muds....didn't any'all do that rockin' guitar version of Adeste...ooops O Come All ye that the folks in Timmmmmionoum did?
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • Saint Andrew Catholic Church
    Old Town Pasadena, California

    Fourth Sunday of Advent Mass Schedule
    Saturday 5:00 pm Vigil Mass with cantor and organ
    6:30 am Spanish Mass with cantor and organ
    8:00 am English Mass with cantor and organ
    9:30 am English Mass with the Pueri Cantores San Gabriel Valley and the Pueri Cantores of Saint Andrew Church
    11:00 am Spanish Mass with cantor and organ
    12:30 pm English Mass with Cappella Musica of Saint Andrew Church
    2:00 pm Spanish Mass with cantor and organ
    (the usual 5:00 pm Mass with the Schola Cantorum of Saint Andrew Church is cancelled)

    Vigil of Christmas
    4:00 pm English with the Pueri Cantores San Gabriel Valley and the Pueri Cantores of Saint Andrew Church
    6:00 pm English-Latin with the Cappella Musica of Saint Andrew Church and the Saint Andrew Sinfonia
    11:15 pm Lessons & Carols with the Cappella Musica of Saint Andrew Church and the Saint Andrew Sinfonia

    Christmas Day
    12:00 midnight Latin-English-Spanish Midnight Mass with the Cappella Musica of Saint Andrew Church and the Saint Andrew Sinfonia
    6:30 am Spanish Mass with cantor and organ
    8:00 am English Mass with cantor, trumpet, and organ
    9:30 am English Mass with brass quartet (two trumpets, two trombones), cantor, and organ
    11:00 am Spanish Mass with brass quartet (two trumpets, two trombones), cantor, and organ
    12:30 pm English Mass with Cappella Musica of Saint Andrew Church, brass quartet, and organ
    2:00 pm Spanish Mass with brass quartet (two trumpets, two trombones), cantor, and organ

    Christmas Vigil Mass, 6:00 pm
    Sung Mass
    Introit Hodie scietis (Graduale Restitutum)
    Hymn O Come, all ye Faithful
    Kyrie Mass in G Major, K. 140 (Mozart)
    Gloria Mass in G Major, K. 140 (Mozart)
    Offertory O magnum mysterium (Morten Lauridsen)
    Sanctus Mass in G Major, K. 140 (Mozart)
    Agnus Dei Mass in G Major, K. 140 (Mozart)
    Communion Anthems
    Revelabitur (Communion chant, Graduale Restitutum)
    O Holy Night (Adam, arr. SO)
    Ave Maria (Bach-Gounod, arr. SO)
    Silent Night (arr. SO)
    Recessional Joy to the World (arr. SO)

    Lessons & Carols, 11:15 pm
    Concerto Grosso fatto per la notte de Natale (for Christmas night)
    Francesco Manfredini (1684–1762)

    I John 1:1-4: In principio erat Verbum
    Josquin des Prez (1450–1521)
    In the beginning was the Word

    II Genesis 3:1–15
    The fall of man
    Carol: Jesus Christ, the Apple Tree (Elizabeth Poston)

    III Isaiah 1:11
    A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse
    Carol: Lo! how a Rose E’er Blooming (arr. Steven Ottományi, with cong.)

    IV Zechariah 2:14–16
    Sing and rejoice, daughter Zion! The Lord comes to dwell with you.
    Anthem: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (J. S. Bach)

    V Isaiah 7:10–14
    The virgin shall conceive and bear a son; his name shall be “Emmanuel”
    Carol: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (with congregation)

    VI Micah 5:1–3
    But you, Bethlehem-Ephrathah,
    from you shall come forth for me one
    who is to be ruler in Israel;
    He shall be peace.

    Carol: O Little Town of Bethlehem;
    Tunes: BETHELHEM and ST. LOUIS, arr. S.O., with cong. on last verse

    VII Isaiah 9:1, 5–6
    The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.
    Carol: Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Prince of Peace
    from BWV 143, J. S. Bach (1685–1750)

    VIII Malachi 3:1
    I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me;
    yes, he is coming! says the Lord of hosts.

    Carol: People, Look East (with congregation)

    IX Luke 1:26–33, 38
    Mary said, “be it done unto me according to your will.”
    Anthem: Mary’s Magnificat (Andrew Carter)

    X Wisdom 18:14–16
    When the night in its swift course was half spent...
    Carol: Silent Night (with congregation)

    XI John 1:14
    And the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

    Christmas Proclamation

    Christmas Midnight Mass
    Sung Latin Novus Ordo Mass

    Introit Dominus dixit ad me (Graduale Restitutum)
    Hymn O Come, all ye Faithful
    Kyrie Mass in G Major, K. 140 (Mozart)
    Gloria Mass in G Major, K. 140 (Mozart)
    Offertory O magnum mysterium (Morten Lauridsen)
    Sanctus Mass in G Major, K. 140 (Mozart)
    Agnus Dei Mass in G Major, K. 140 (Mozart)
    Communion Anthems
    In splendoribus sanctorum (Communion chant, Graduale Restitutum)
    O Holy Night (Adam, arr. SO)
    Ave Maria (Bach-Gounod, arr. SO)
    Silent Night (arr. SO)
    Recessional Joy to the World (arr. SO)

    Mass Ordinaries
    All Masses during Advent without choir: Mass XVI/XIII composite (a.k.a. "Jubliate Deo Mass," "Missa simplex"), in Latin

    All Masses during Christmastide without choir: Mass VIII Missa de angelis, in Latin
    All choral Masses listed here directed by yours truly; 9:30 am, 2:00 pm, and Saturday Vigil Masses cantored and accompanied on organ by yours truly.

    Music Department of Saint Andrew Catholic Church
    Steven Ottományi, Director of Music and Principal Organist
    Mark Husey, Associate Organist
    Ricardo Martinez, Principal Cantor and Administrative Assistant
    Justin Senneff, First Assistant Organist and Arts Liaison

    The Cappella Musica of Saint Andrew Church, singing under the patronage of Saint Andrew the Apostle, ministers at the 12:30 pm Sunday Mass and at various special festal Masses throughout the year. The Cappella Musica serves at the principal choir of Sain Andrew Catholic Church and regularly performs works for choir and orchestra. In 2017, members of the Cappella Musica were selected, under director Steven Ottományi, by the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel Choir to sing onstage with the Sistine Chapel Choir in its first countrywide tour of the United States. In September of 2021, the Cappella Musica was commissioned by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to present a concert of music from the California Missions with orchestra and lead music at the prayer service for the 250th anniversary of the founding of Mission San Gabriel Arcángel and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. In the summer of 2023, the Cappella Musica was commissioned to sing a concert of music of the California missions and Renaissance Mexico at the 2023 national convention of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians in Reno, Nevada.

    Members of the Cappella Musica hold degrees from Yale Institute of Sacred Music, Claremont Graduate University and the Claremont Colleges, the Juilliard School, Peabody Conservatory, University of Indiana, University of Michigan, Oberlin Conservatory, the University of Southern California, University of California, Los Angeles and the California State University, Fullerton, Los Angeles, Northridge, and San Bernardino campuses.

    Members of the Cappella Musica sing with Seraphic Fire, the Los Angeles Master Chorale,
    Los Angeles Opera Chorus, The Pacific Chorale, Angelus Chorale, the Verdi Chorus, the Roger Wagner Chorale, and the Long Beach Camerata Singers.