Aspiciens a Longe (I look from afar)- from the original edition
  • Simon
    Posts: 155
    Are any forum members singing this magnificent Gregorian Chant respond from the matins of the first sunday in Advent? (The popular iin English Palestrina version does not count). Our choir sings this every year as the responsorium prolixa in the second vespers on this day. It's a challenge for even the most experienced schola. Our performing edition is attached including the St. Gall neumes from the famous Hartker manuscript (St. Gall 491/492) - complete with an image of the manuscript page (page 1of SG491) with an unfortunately placed library stamp.The Dutch translation of the Latin text will obviously have limited use for this forum.
  • Going to sing it before our Musical Oratory of Advent (quasi Lessons and Advent Carols)!

    Edit: This may have just gotten adjusted... :-/